Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo ee396fb811
2023-07-03 07:53:05 +02:00

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# REDCapCAST package <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" />
REDCap Castellated data handling when using repeated instruments.
This package is a fork of [SpectrumHealthResearch/REDCapRITS]( The REDCapRITS represents great and extensive work to handle castellated REDCap data in different programming languages. This fork is purely minded on R usage and includes a few implementations of the main `REDCap_split` function.
The main goal for this project was to allow for a "minimal data" approach by allowing to filter records, instruments and variables in the export to only download data needed. I think this approach is desireable for handling sensitive, clinical data. No similar functionality is available from similar tools (like `REDCapR` or `REDCapTidieR`). Please refer to [REDCap-Tools]( for other great tools.
## Use and immprovements
This package is primarily relevant for working with longitudinal projects and/or projects using repeated instruments. Here is just a short descirption of the main functions:
* `REDcap_split()`: Works largely as the original `REDCapRITS::REDCap_split()`. It takes a REDCap dataset and metadata (data dictionary) to split the data set into a list of dataframes of instruments.
* `read_redcap_tables()`: wraps the use of [`REDCapR::redcap_read()`]( with `REDCap_split()` to ease the export of REDCap data.
* `redcap_wider()`: pivots each data frame with repeated instruments to a wide format utilizing the [`tidyr::pivot_wider()`]( from the [tidyverse](
Compared to the original `REDCapRITS`, all matching functions are improved to accept column naming of REDCap data from manual download or API export.
## Future
The plan with this package is to be bundled with a Handbook on working with REDCap from R. I plan to also include functionality to assist in casting (yes, pun intended) the initial REDCap database.
## Installation
Install the latest version directly from GitHub: