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Variable / Field Name,Form Name,Section Header,Field Type,Field Label,"Choices, Calculations, OR Slider Labels",Field Note,Text Validation Type OR Show Slider Number,Text Validation Min,Text Validation Max,Identifier?,Branching Logic (Show field only if...),Required Field?,Custom Alignment,Question Number (surveys only),Matrix Group Name,Matrix Ranking?,Field Annotation
record_id,informed_consent,,text,Record ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page2_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page3_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page4_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page5_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page6_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page7_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page8_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page9_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page10_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page11_v2,informed_consent, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
next_page2_v2,informed_consent,,descriptive,<center><font size=3>Please click on Submit below to read the Addendum,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page13,informed_consent_and_addendum, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_page14,informed_consent_and_addendum, ,descriptive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
next_page2,informed_consent_and_addendum,,descriptive,<center><font size=3>Please click on Next Page to provide your consent and sign the Informed Consent,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_first_name,informed_consent_and_addendum,Agreement,text,Your first name:,,,,,,y,,y,,,,,
icf_last_name,informed_consent_and_addendum,,text,Your last name:,,,,,,y,,y,,,,,
icf_date,informed_consent_and_addendum,,text,Today's date,,,date_mdy,,,y,,y,,,,,@TODAY @READONLY
icf_sign,informed_consent_and_addendum,,file,Click on the link to the right to add your signature,,,signature,,,y,,y,,,,,
icf_intro1,informed_consent_and_addendum,,descriptive,<center>----- To be filled in by person seeking your consent. Please hand this over to the consenter. ------</center>,,,,,,,,,,,,,
icf_consenter_name,informed_consent_and_addendum,,text,Name of person seeking your consent:,,First and last name,,,,y,,y,,,,,
icf_consentee_info,informed_consent_and_addendum,,text,Their place of employment & position,,,,,,y,,y,,,,,
icf_consentee_sign,informed_consent_and_addendum,,file,Signature of person consenting and authorizing,,,signature,,,y,,y,,,,,
icf_consentee_date,informed_consent_and_addendum,,text,Today's date,,,date_mdy,,,y,,y,,,,,
signed_consent_1,upload_of_signed_icfs,,file,Signed ICF,,,,,,y,,,,,,,
signed_consent_2,upload_of_signed_icfs,,file,Signed ICF,,,,,,y,,,,,,,
signed_consent_3,upload_of_signed_icfs,,file,Signed ICF,,,,,,y,,,,,,,
signed_addendum1,upload_of_signed_icfs,,file,Signed addendum,,,,,,,,,,,,,
signed_addendum2,upload_of_signed_icfs,,file,Signed addendum,,,,,,,,,,,,,
signed_addendum3,upload_of_signed_icfs,,file,Signed addendum,,,,,,,,,,,,,
demo_date,demographics,,text,Today's Date,,Date (MM-DD-YYYY),date_mdy,,,,,y,,,,,@TODAY @READONLY
demo_name_first,demographics,,text,Participant's First Name,,,,,,y,,y,,,,,
demo_name_init,demographics,,text,Participant's Middle Initial,,,,,,y,,,,,,,
demo_name_last,demographics,,text,Participant's Last Name,,,,,,y,,y,,,,,
demo_date_birth,demographics,,text,Date of Birth,,Date (MM-DD-YYYY),date_mdy,,,y,,y,,,,,@HIDEBUTTON
demo_street_ad,demographics,,text,Address,,"Street Address (include unit/apartment number, if applicable)",,,,y,,y,,,,,
demo_zip,demographics,,text,Zip Code,,Numbers only,number,10000,100000,y,,y,,,,,
demo_daytime,demographics,,text,"Best daytime phone, with area code (cell or land line)",,(xxx) xxx-xxxx,phone,,,y,,y,,,,,
demo_email,demographics,,text,Email address,,,email,,,y,,,,,,,
demo_ethnic,demographics,,radio,Which category best describes the participant's ethnic group?,"1, Hispanic/Latino (Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture)|2, Not Hispanic or Latino",,,,,,,y,,,,,
demo_racial,demographics,,radio,Which category best describes the patient's racial group?,"1, American Indian or Alaskan Native (North, Central, and South America, who has a tribal affiliation)|2, Asian (Far East, Southeast Asia, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.)|3, Black or African-American|89, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands)|5, White (Europe, Middle East, or North Africa)|88, Other (Specify below)",,,,,,,y,,,,,
demo_racial_oth,demographics,,text,Specify Other racial group:,,,,,,,[demo_racial] = '88',y,,,,,
demo_military_mrn,demographics,,text,Military Sites ONLY Medical Record Number,,MRN,number,,,y,,,,,,,
demo_ssn,demographics,,text,Participant's Social Security Number,,,ssn,,,y,,y,,,,,
elig_icf,eligibility,,radio,Has the participant signed the Informed Consent?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_ischem,eligibility,Inclusion Criteria,radio,Does the participant have symptoms and signs suggestive of ischemia?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_signs,eligibility,,checkbox,"If yes, does participant currently have or has a history of the following? Please check all that apply:","1, Chest pain above the waist | 2, Abnormal ECG | 3, Abnormal stress test | 4, Abnormal Troponin",Check all that apply,,,,,[elig_ischem] = '1',y,,,,,
elig_card_cath,eligibility,,radio,Has the participant had a cardiac catheterization showing non-obstructive coronary artery disease (< 50% stenosis in any epicardial coronary artery) within the <u>past two years</u>?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_card_cath_details,eligibility,,radio,Please select from the following:,"1, ""Normal Coronary Arteries"" - No irregularities or obstructive disease|2, Minor irregularities and/or obstructive disease|3, Obstructive coronary artery disease >20% but <50% in any major coronary artery",,,,,,[elig_card_cath] = '1',y,,,,,
elig_cath_disease_severity,eligibility,,radio,Please select the severity of non-obstructive coronary artery disease: ,"1, 1 vessel disease|2, 2 vessel disease|3, 3 vessel disease",,,,,,[elig_card_cath_details] = '2' or [elig_card_cath_details] = '3',y,,,,,
elig_cath_vessel,eligibility,,radio,Please select the vessel with the most severe non-obstructive coronary artery disease: ,"1, Right Coronary Artery|2, Left Main|3, Left Anterior Descending|4, Circumflex",,,,,,[elig_card_cath_details] = '2' or [elig_card_cath_details] = '3',y,,,,,
elig_ejection_fraction,eligibility,,text,"Ejection Fraction, if known: ",,number,integer,10,80,,[elig_card_cath] = '1',,,,,,
elig_cath_ffr,eligibility,,radio,"If Fractional Flow Reserve was performed, is the value greater than 0.8?","1, Yes | 0, No | 99, N/A",,,,,,[elig_card_cath] = '1',,,,,,
elig_ccta,eligibility,,radio,Has the participant had a coronary CTA showing non-obstructive coronary artery disease (< 50% stenosis in any epicardial coronary artery) within the <u>past two years</u>?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_card_cath_details_2,eligibility,,radio,Please select from the following:,"1, ""Normal Coronary Arteries"" - No irregularities or obstructive disease|2, Minor irregularities and/or obstructive disease|3, Obstructive coronary artery disease >20% but <50% in any major coronary artery",,,,,,[elig_ccta] = '1',y,,,,,
elig_cath_disease_severity_2,eligibility,,radio,Please select the severity of non-obstructive coronary artery disease: ,"1, 1 vessel disease|2, 2 vessel disease|3, 3 vessel disease",,,,,,[elig_card_cath_details_2] = '2' or [elig_card_cath_details_2] = '3',y,,,,,
elig_ejection_fraction_2,eligibility,,text,Ejection Fraction if known: ,,Number Only,number,40,80,,[elig_ccta] = '1',,,,,,
elig_cta_score,eligibility,,text,CTA Calcium Score,,Number only,number,,,,[elig_ccta] = '1',y,,,,,
elig_nocom_med,eligibility,Exclusion Criteria,radio,"History of noncompliance (with medical therapy, protocol, or follow-up)?","1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_ischemia_dilated,eligibility,,radio,History of non-ischemic dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_doc_acs,eligibility,,radio,Documented ACS within previous 30 days?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_lvef,eligibility,,radio,LVEF < 40%?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_nyha_class,eligibility,,radio,NYHA HF class III-IV?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_hos_hfref,eligibility,,radio,Hospitalization for HFrEF within 180 days?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_stroke,eligibility,,radio,Stroke within previous 180 days?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_carnial_hemo,eligibility,,radio,Intracranial hemorrhage at any time?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_renal,eligibility,,radio,"End-stage renal disease, on dialysis, or estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGRF), 30 ml/min?","1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_valvular,eligibility,,radio,Severe valvular disease or likely to require surgery/TVAR within 5 years?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_life_expect,eligibility,,radio,Life expectancy < 3-years due to non-cardiovascular comorbidity,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_enroll_clinic,eligibility,,radio,Enrolled in a <i>competing</i> clinical trial?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_intol_ace,eligibility,,radio,Intolerance or allergy to ACE Inhibitors?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_intol_arb,eligibility,,radio,Intolerance or allergy to ARB Inhibitors?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_intol_statin,eligibility,,radio,Intolerance or allergy to Statins?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_intol_pcsk,eligibility,,radio,Intolerance or allergy to PCSK9 inhibitor?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,"[elig_intol_statin] = ""1""",y,,,,,
elig_preg,eligibility,,radio,Currently pregnant or breastfeeding?,"1, Yes|0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,
elig_liver_dis,eligibility,,radio,Active liver disease or unexplained persistent elevated serum transaminases?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,"@FIELD-NOTES-DISPLAY=""tooltip"""
elig_hist_rhab,eligibility,,radio,History of rhabdomyolysis?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,"@FIELD-NOTES-DISPLAY=""popover"""
elig_high_dose,eligibility,,radio,Is the participant taking any concomitant medicines that will preclude a prescription for high dosages of ACE/ARB/Statin?,"1, Yes | 0, No",,,,,,,y,,,,,"@FIELD-NOTES-DISPLAY=""hover"""
elig_excl_not,eligibility,,descriptive,"<div class=""red""><b><font color=""black""><center>Based on the answers provided above, patient is not eligible for the study.</div>",,,,,,,[elig_icf] = '0' or [elig_nocom_med] = '1' or [elig_ischemia_dilated] = '1' or [elig_doc_acs] = '1' or [elig_lvef] = '1' or [elig_nyha_class] = '1' or [elig_hos_hfref] = '1' or [elig_stroke] = '1' or [elig_carnial_hemo] = '1' or [elig_renal] = '1' or [elig_valvular] = '1' or [elig_life_expect] = '1' or [elig_enroll_clinic] = '1' or [elig_preg] = '1' or [elig_liver_dis] = '1' or [elig_hist_rhab] = '1' or [elig_high_dose] = '1' or ([elig_intol_ace] = '1' and [elig_intol_arb] = '1') or ([elig_intol_statin] = '1' and [elig_intol_pcsk] = '1') or ([elig_ischem] = '0' and [elig_card_cath] = '0' and [elig_ccta] = '0') or ([elig_card_cath] = '1' and [elig_cath_ffr] = '0'),,,,,,
elig_study_yes,eligibility,Eligibility,radio,Eligible for the study?,"1, Yes",,,,,,[elig_icf] = '1' and [elig_nocom_med] = '0' and [elig_ischemia_dilated] = '0' and [elig_doc_acs] = '0' and [elig_lvef] = '0' and [elig_nyha_class] = '0' and [elig_hos_hfref] = '0' and [elig_stroke] = '0' and [elig_carnial_hemo] = '0' and [elig_renal] = '0' and [elig_valvular] = '0' and [elig_life_expect] = '0' and [elig_enroll_clinic] = '0' and ([elig_intol_ace] = '0' or [elig_intol_arb] = '0') and ([elig_intol_statin] = '0' or [elig_intol_pcsk] = '0') and [elig_preg] = '0' and [elig_liver_dis] = '0' and [elig_hist_rhab] = '0' and [elig_high_dose] = '0' and ([elig_ccta] = '1' or [elig_ischem] = '1' or ([elig_card_cath] = '1' and [elig_cath_ffr] = '1') or ([elig_card_cath] = '1' and [elig_cath_ffr] = '99')),y,,,,,"@DEFAULT=""1"""
elig_date,eligibility,,text,Eligibility Date,,Date (MM-DD-YYYY),date_mdy,,,y,[elig_icf] = '1' and [elig_nocom_med] = '0' and [elig_ischemia_dilated] = '0' and [elig_doc_acs] = '0' and [elig_lvef] = '0' and [elig_nyha_class] = '0' and [elig_hos_hfref] = '0' and [elig_stroke] = '0' and [elig_carnial_hemo] = '0' and [elig_renal] = '0' and [elig_valvular] = '0' and [elig_life_expect] = '0' and [elig_enroll_clinic] = '0' and ([elig_intol_ace] = '0' or [elig_intol_arb] = '0') and ([elig_intol_statin] = '0' or [elig_intol_pcsk] = '0') and [elig_preg] = '0' and [elig_liver_dis] = '0' and [elig_hist_rhab] = '0' and [elig_high_dose] = '0' and ([elig_ccta] = '1' or [elig_ischem] = '1' or ([elig_card_cath] = '1' and [elig_cath_ffr] = '1') or ([elig_card_cath] = '1' and [elig_cath_ffr] = '99')),y,,,,,@TODAY
elig_study_no,eligibility,,radio,Eligible for the study?,"0, No",,,,,,[elig_icf] = '0' or [elig_nocom_med] = '1' or [elig_ischemia_dilated] = '1' or [elig_doc_acs] = '1' or [elig_lvef] = '1' or [elig_nyha_class] = '1' or [elig_hos_hfref] = '1' or [elig_stroke] = '1' or [elig_carnial_hemo] = '1' or [elig_renal] = '1' or [elig_valvular] = '1' or [elig_life_expect] = '1' or [elig_enroll_clinic] = '1' or [elig_preg] = '1' or [elig_liver_dis] = '1' or [elig_hist_rhab] = '1' or [elig_high_dose] = '1' or ([elig_intol_ace] = '1' and [elig_intol_arb] = '1') or ([elig_intol_statin] = '1' and [elig_intol_pcsk] = '1') or ([elig_ischem] = '0' and [elig_card_cath] = '0' and [elig_ccta] = '0') or ([elig_card_cath] = '1' and [elig_cath_ffr] = '0'),y,,,,,"@DEFAULT=""0"""
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |