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<h1>About me</h1>
<li>I am a medical doctor and PhD-student</li>
<li>I have a special interest in the relation betwen clinical focus on patients and data driven research</li>
<li>I also do other things, and these are also shared on this page</li>
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<pre><code># A tibble: 1 × 5
what when with where why
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list>
1 cand.med 2011-2018 Aarhus University Aarhus, Denmark <chr [0]></code></pre>
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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"objectID": "index.html",
"href": "index.html",
"title": "Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo",
"objectID": "food.html",
"href": "food.html",
"title": "Recepies",
"section": "",
"text": "Hi! I am a medical doctor, PhD-student, open source activist and father of two girls.\nOn this page is my CV, I will write about some hobby projects, and just share what I am concerned with. Some will be in English, some in Danish. Take care!\n[This is still very much a work in progress, but these are my intentions]"
"text": "I like cooking and baking, and especially with my girls. This is a collection of our favorite recepies for our own reference. You are welcome to use them as well.\nThis is not intended as a showroom. Some recepies are original and some are not. I will try to link to sources when available. I keep this as my own library.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSuper nem banankage\n\n\n\nKage\n\n\nBagværk\n\n\nBørnene med!\n\n\nDansk\n\n\n\nDer er aldrig nok banan i banankage. Sådan er det ikke her!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApr 28, 2023\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNo matching items"
"objectID": "health_data/ancle.html",
@ -111,25 +111,18 @@
"section": "Sådan gør du",
"text": "Sådan gør du\nAlt blandes\nFormen smøres og drysses med rasp el. mel\nBages ca. 45 min. ved 175 grader"
"objectID": "cv/cv.html",
"href": "cv/cv.html",
"title": "About me",
"section": "",
"text": "About me\n\nI am a medical doctor and PhD-student\nI have a special interest in the relation betwen clinical focus on patients and data driven research\nI also do other things, and these are also shared on this page\n\n\n\nEducation\n\n\n# A tibble: 1 × 5\n what when with where why \n <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list> \n1 cand.med 2011-2018 Aarhus University Aarhus, Denmark <chr [0]>\n\n\n\n\nPublications\n\n\n\n/var/folders/9l/xbc19wxx0g79jdd2sf_0v291mhwh7f/T//RtmpMBNNtN/filef7bc66db5d01.yaml"
"objectID": "food.html",
"href": "food.html",
"title": "Recepies",
"section": "",
"text": "I like cooking and baking, and especially with my girls. This is a collection of our favorite recepies for our own reference. You are welcome to use them as well.\nThis is not intended as a showroom. Some recepies are original and some are not. I will try to link to sources when available. I keep this as my own library.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSuper nem banankage\n\n\n\nKage\n\n\nBagværk\n\n\nBørnene med!\n\n\nDansk\n\n\n\nDer er aldrig nok banan i banankage. Sådan er det ikke her!\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApr 28, 2023\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNo matching items"
"objectID": "health-data.html",
"href": "health-data.html",
"title": "Health Data projects",
"section": "",
"text": "During my work in clinical research I have aquired a special set of skills in working with data collection, data bases and data analysis. I am very much interested in sharing these skils and knowledge.\nI am primarily working with R and REDCap. I have published one R package to CRAN and am actively maintaining two other packages on GitHub (on is on its way to CRAN). I am also working on a handbook for clinical researchers on working with R and REDCap.\nI have work as a data science consultant on a few projects. Here I will also share a few of them as a portfolio. Please don't hesitate to \ncontact me if you need help on a project.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProject: Foot database\n\n\n\nREDCap\n\n\nProject\n\n\nR\n\n\nConsultant\n\n\n\nComprehensive data and data base migration to continue data collection.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApr 28, 2023\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNo matching items"
"objectID": "index.html",
"href": "index.html",
"title": "Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo",
"section": "",
"text": "Hi! I am a medical doctor, PhD-student, open source activist and father of two girls.\nOn this page is my CV, I will write about some hobby projects, and just share what I am concerned with. Some will be in English, some in Danish. Take care!\n[This is still very much a work in progress, but these are my intentions]"
@ -1,47 +1,43 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
<loc>https://andreas.gdamsbo.dk/food/groft hvede-surdejsbrød.html</loc>
<loc>https://andreas.gdamsbo.dk/food/fladmast hane med nye hvidlog.html</loc>
<loc>https://andreas.gdamsbo.dk/food/elses vafler.html</loc>
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