% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/generic_stroke.R \name{generic_stroke} \alias{generic_stroke} \title{Generic stroke study outcome} \usage{ generic_stroke(df, group, score, strata = NULL, variables = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{df}{Data set as data frame} \item{group}{Variable to group by} \item{score}{Outcome measure variable} \item{strata}{Optional variable to stratify by} \item{variables}{String of variable names to include in adjusted OLR-analysis} } \value{ Returns list with three elements } \description{ Includes table 1, grotta bars and ordinal logistic regression plot. Please just use this function for illustration purposes. To dos: modify grottaBar and include as own function. } \examples{ data(talos) generic_stroke(talos, "rtreat", "mrs_6", variables = c("hypertension","diabetes","civil")) }