% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/index_plot.R \name{index_plot} \alias{index_plot} \title{Plot multidimensional cognitive test scores} \usage{ index_plot( ds, id = "id", sub_plot = "_is", scores = c("_is", "_lo", "_up", "_per"), dom_names = c("immediate", "visuospatial", "verbal", "attention", "delayed", "total"), facet.by = NULL ) } \arguments{ \item{ds}{complete data frame} \item{id}{colname of id column. Base for colouring} \item{sub_plot}{main outcome scores variable to plot} \item{scores}{variables to subset for plotting. Has to follow standard naming (is to be changed)} \item{dom_names}{domain names for axis naming} \item{facet.by}{variable to base facet_grid on} } \value{ ggplot element } \description{ Plot index scores from five dimensional cognitive testing. Includes option to facet. } \examples{ index_plot(stRoke::score[score$event=="A",]) }