% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/age_calc.R \name{age_calc} \alias{age_calc} \title{Calculate age in years, months, or days} \usage{ age_calc(dob, enddate = Sys.Date(), units = "years", precise = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{dob}{Date of birth} \item{enddate}{End date for age calculation (default is Sys.Date())} \item{units}{Units for age calculation (default is "years"). Can be c("days", "months", "years")} \item{precise}{Option to calculate age precisely (default is TRUE)} } \value{ numeric vector length 1 } \description{ Calculate age in years, months, or days } \examples{ trunc(age_calc(as.Date("1945-10-23"),as.Date("2018-09-30"))) } \references{ Becker, J.P. (2020). eeptools: An R Package for Teaching and Learning Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Journal of Statistical Software, 93(2), 1-27. doi: 10.18637/jss.v093.i02 } \seealso{ \code{\link[lubridate]{time_length}} } \keyword{age} \keyword{date} \keyword{time}