#' @title Calculates the probability of winning #' @description Calculates the probability of winning (winP) #' @param data A data frame containing the response and group variable. #' @param response The name of the response variable. #' Takes first column if empty. #' @param group The name of the group variable. #' Takes second column if empty. #' @param alpha The alpha level for the hypothesis test. Default is 0.05. #' @param beta The beta level for the sample size calculation. Default is 0.2. #' @param group.ratio The ratio of group sizes. Default is 1. #' @param sample.size Flag to include sample size calculation. Default is FALSE. #' @param print.tables Flag to print cumulative tables. Default is FALSE. #' @param dec Numeric for decimals to print. Default is 3. #' @return A list containing the win_prob statistic, the confidence interval, #' and the p-value. #' @export #' @importFrom stats pnorm qnorm xtabs #' @source \doi{10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.037744} #' @examples #' win_prob(data=stRoke::talos,response="mrs_6",group="rtreat") win_prob <- function(data, response = NULL, group = NULL, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2, group.ratio = 1, sample.size = FALSE, print.tables = FALSE, dec = 3) { if (is.null(response)){ response <- names(data)[1] } if (is.null(group)){ group <- names(data)[2] } group_levels <- levels(factor(data[, group])) if (length(group_levels) != 2) { stop("The group has to contain 2, and only 2 levels.") } if (!is.numeric(group.ratio)){ stop("Group ratio must be a numeric") } if (!is.logical(sample.size)){ stop("Sample size must be a logical") } # Internal helper function for calculating ranks freq_rank <- function(data, x = "Freq") { lapply(data, function(i) { rank <- c() n_i <- nrow(i) for (j in seq_len(n_i)) { if (j < n_i) { rank[j] <- ((i[j, x] + 1) / 2 + (sum(i[seq_len(n_i)[(j + 1):n_i], x]))) } if (j == n_i) { rank[j] <- (i[j, x] + 1) / 2 } } cbind(i, rank) }) } overall <- freq_rank(list(data.frame(xtabs(data = data[c(response)]))))[[1]] tbl <- xtabs(data = data[c(response, group)]) tbl_df <- data.frame(tbl) prop_df <- data.frame(proportions(tbl, group)) df <- cbind(tbl_df, prop = prop_df[, "Freq"]) list_cum <- split(df, df[, group]) list_cum <- lapply(list_cum, function(i) { data.frame(i, overall_rank = overall$rank) }) list_cum <- freq_rank(list_cum) sum_a <- sum(df$Freq[df$rtreat == group_levels[1]]) sum_b <- sum(df$Freq[df$rtreat == group_levels[2]]) list_cum[[1]]$win_frac <- with(list_cum[[1]], overall_rank - rank) / sum_b list_cum[[2]]$win_frac <- with(list_cum[[2]], overall_rank - rank) / sum_a winP_a <- sum(with(list_cum[[1]], prop * win_frac)) winP_b <- sum(with(list_cum[[2]], prop * win_frac)) var_win_frac_a <- sum(with(list_cum[[1]], prop * win_frac ^ 2)) - winP_a ^ 2 var_win_frac_b <- sum(with(list_cum[[2]], prop * win_frac ^ 2)) - winP_b ^ 2 var_win_prob <- var_win_frac_a / sum_a + var_win_frac_b / sum_b se_win_prob <- sqrt(var_win_prob) ci_up <- exp(log(winP_a / (1 - winP_a)) - qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * se_win_prob / (winP_a / (1 - winP_a))) / (1 + exp(log(winP_a / (1 - winP_a)) - qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * se_win_prob / (winP_a / (1 - winP_a)))) ci_lo <- exp(log(winP_b / (1 - winP_b)) + qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * se_win_prob / (winP_b / (1 - winP_b))) / (1 + exp(log(winP_b / (1 - winP_b)) + qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * se_win_prob / (winP_b / (1 - winP_b)))) test_stat <- abs(log(winP_a / (1 - winP_a))) / (se_win_prob / (winP_a * (1 - winP_a))) p_val <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(test_stat)) nnt <- 1 / (winP_a - 0.5) ss_n <- NA if (sample.size) { ss_n <- ceiling((group.ratio + 1) / group.ratio * (qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) + qnorm(1 - beta)) ^ 2 * (var_win_frac_a + group.ratio * var_win_frac_b) / (winP_a * (1 - winP_a) * log(winP_a / (1 - winP_a))) ^ 2 ) } out <- list(list_cum=list_cum, group_levels=group_levels, sum_a=sum_a, sum_b=sum_b, winP_a=winP_a, winP_b=winP_b, var_win_frac_a=var_win_frac_a, var_win_frac_b=var_win_frac_b, var_win_prob=var_win_prob, se_win_prob=se_win_prob, conf.int=c(ci_lo,ci_up), test_stat=test_stat, p_val=p_val, nnt=nnt, ss_n=ss_n, param.record = list( data = data, response = response, group = group, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, group.ratio = group.ratio, sample.size = sample.size, print.tables = print.tables, dec = dec ) ) class(out) <- c("win_Prop", class(out)) return(out) } print.win_Prop <- function (x, ...) { args <- list(...) cat("\t Zou et al's winP (doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.037744) \n\n") cat( sprintf( "Probability of a random observation in %s group \nwill have a higher response score than a random\nobservation in %s group:\n\n", x$group_levels[2], x$group_levels[1] ) ) cat(" ") cat( sprintf( "\t winP: %2.3f (%2.3f, %2.3f) p=%1.4f", x$winP_a, x$conf.int[1], x$conf.int[2], x$p_val ) ) cat("\n") cat("--------------------------------------------\n\n") cat(sprintf("The numbers needed to treat (NNT) are: %s\n\n", ceiling(x$nnt))) cat("\n") if (x$param.record$sample.size) { cat("--------------------------------------------\n\n") cat( sprintf( "\tWith %s/%s ratio = %s and beta = %s the sample size needed is: %s\n\n", x$group_levels[1], x$group_levels[2], x$param.record$group.ratio, x$param.record$beta, x$ss_n ) ) } cat("\n") if (x$param.record$print.tables) { cat("--------------------------------------------\n\n") lc <- lapply(x$list_cum,function(i,t = c("prop","win_frac")){ i[t] <- round(i[t],x$param.record$dec) i[,!names(i) == x$param.record$group] }) for (i in x$group_levels) { tab <- knitr::kable(lc[[i]], row.names = FALSE) cat(sprintf("Results for the %s group:\n", i)) cat(sprintf("\t%s\n", tab)) cat("\n") } } return(invisible(x)) }