% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ds2ical.R \name{ds2ical} \alias{ds2ical} \title{Convert data set to ical file} \usage{ ds2ical( data, start = start, end = end, location = NULL, summary.glue.string = "ID {id} [{assessor}]", description.glue.string = NULL ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{data set} \item{start}{dplyr style event start datetime column name. Data or datetime object.} \item{end}{dplyr style event end datetime column name. Data or datetime object.} \item{location}{dplyr style event location column name} \item{summary.glue.string}{character string to pass to glue::glue() for event name (summary). Can take any column from data set.} \item{description.glue.string}{character string to pass to glue::glue() for event description. Can take any column from data set.} } \value{ tibble of class "ical" } \description{ Convert data set to ical file } \examples{ df <- dplyr::tibble( start = c(Sys.time(), Sys.time() + lubridate::days(2)), id = c("1", 3), assessor = "A", location = "111", note = c(NA, "OBS") ) |> dplyr::mutate(end = start + lubridate::hours(2)) df |> ds2ical() df |> ds2ical(summary.glue.string = "ID {id} [{assessor}] {note}") # Export .ics file: (not run) ical <- df |> ds2ical(start, end, location, description.glue.string = "{note}") # ical |> calendar::ic_write(file=here::here("calendar.ics")) }