% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/cpr_tools.R \name{cpr_dob} \alias{cpr_dob} \title{Extracting date of birth from CPR} \usage{ cpr_dob(cpr, format = "\%d-\%m-\%Y") } \arguments{ \item{cpr}{cpr-numbers as ddmmyy"-."xxxx or ddmmyyxxxx. Also mixed formatting. Vector or data frame column.} \item{format}{character string of dob date format. Default is "\%d-\%m-\%Y".} } \value{ character vector } \description{ For easy calculation. Does not handle cprs with letters (interim cpr) } \examples{ cpr_dob("231045-0637") fsd<-c("2310450637", "010190-2000", "010115-4000", "300450-1030","010150-4021") cpr_dob(fsd) } \keyword{cpr}