% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/score.R \docType{data} \name{score} \alias{score} \title{Data frame with sample data of cognitive testing score} \format{ A data frame with 20 rows and 26 variables: \describe{ \item{id}{id} \item{event}{event} \item{a_is}{domain a index score} \item{b_is}{domain b index score} \item{c_is}{domain c index score} \item{d_is}{domain d index score} \item{e_is}{domain e index score} \item{i_is}{total index score} \item{a_lo}{domain a lower ci} \item{b_lo}{domain b lower ci} \item{c_lo}{domain c lower ci} \item{d_lo}{domain d lower ci} \item{e_lo}{domain e lower ci} \item{i_lo}{total lower ci} \item{a_up}{domain a upper ci} \item{b_up}{domain b upper ci} \item{c_up}{domain c upper ci} \item{d_up}{domain d upper ci} \item{e_up}{domain e upper ci} \item{i_up}{total upper ci} \item{a_per}{domain a percentile} \item{b_per}{domain b percentile} \item{c_per}{domain c percentile} \item{d_per}{domain d percentile} \item{e_per}{domain e percentile} \item{i_per}{total percentile} } } \usage{ data(score) } \description{ Contains non-identifiable organic trial data from a five-dimensional cognitive test. } \keyword{datasets}