% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/chunks_of_n.R \name{chunks_of_n} \alias{chunks_of_n} \title{MOVED Split to chunks of size n} \usage{ chunks_of_n(d, n, label = NULL, even = FALSE, pattern = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{d}{data. Can be vector or data frame.} \item{n}{number of chunks} \item{label}{naming prefix for chunk names} \item{even}{boolean to set if size of chunks should be evenly distributed.} \item{pattern}{regex pattern to extract names from provided vector. If data frame, will assume first column is name.} } \value{ List of length n } \description{ MOVED Split to chunks of size n } \examples{ tail(chunks_of_n(seq_len(100),7),3) tail(chunks_of_n(seq_len(100),7,even=TRUE),3) ds <- data.frame(nm=paste0("Sub", add_padding(rownames(stRoke::talos))),stRoke::talos) head(chunks_of_n(ds,7,pattern="Sub[0-9]{3}",label="grp"),2) ## Please notice that no sorting is performed. This is on purpose to preserve ## original sorting. If sorting is intended, try something like this: ds[order(ds$nm),] |> chunks_of_n(7,pattern="Sub[0-9]{3}",label="grp") |> head(2) }