% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/quantile_cut.R \name{quantile_cut} \alias{quantile_cut} \title{Easy function for splitting numeric variable in quantiles} \usage{ quantile_cut( x, groups, y = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, group.names = NULL, ordered.f = FALSE, inc.outs = FALSE, detail.list = FALSE ) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Variable to cut.} \item{groups}{Number of groups.} \item{y}{alternative vector to draw quantile cuts from. Limits has to be within x. Default is NULL.} \item{na.rm}{Remove NA's. Default is TRUE.} \item{group.names}{Names of groups to split to. Default is NULL, giving intervals as names.} \item{ordered.f}{Set resulting vector as ordered. Default is FALSE.} \item{inc.outs}{Flag to include min(x) and max(x) as borders in case of y!=NULL.} \item{detail.list}{flag to include details or not} } \value{ vector or list with vector and details (length 2) } \description{ Using base/stats functions cut() and quantile(). } \examples{ aa <- as.numeric(sample(1:1000,2000,replace = TRUE)) x <- 1:450 y <- 6:750 summary(quantile_cut(aa,groups=4,detail.list=FALSE)) ## Cuts quartiles } \keyword{quantile}