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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
#' Write ical object
#' This function creates an ical file based on a data frame with mixed events.
#' Export as .ics file using `calendar::ic_write()`.
#' @param df A data frame with the calendar data
#' @param date The name of the event date column in the data frame
#' @param date.end The name of the end date column in the data frame
#' @param title The name of the title column in the data frame
#' @param time.start The name of the start time column in the data frame
#' @param time.end The name of the end time column in the data frame
#' @param place The name of the place column in the data frame
#' @param place.def Default location to use when place is NA
#' @param time.def Default start time to use when time.start is NA
#' @param time.dur Default duration of the event in minutes, if time.end is NA
#' @param descr Name of description/notes column if any.
#' @param link Name of link column, if any.
#' @param t.zone A character string of time zone for events. The string must be
#' a time zone that is recognized by the user's OS.
#' @return ical object
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#' date = c("2020-02-10", "2020-02-11"),
#' end = c("2020-02-13",NA),
#' title = c("Conference", "Lunch"),
#' start = c("12:00:00", NA),
#' bye = c("13:00:00", NA),
#' note = c("Hi there","Remember to come"),
#' link = c("https://icalendar.org","https://agdamsbo.github.io/stRoke/")
#' )
#' write_ical(
#' df,
#' date = "date",
#' date.end = "end",
#' title = "title",
#' time.start = "start",
#' time.end = "bye",
#' place.def = "Conference Room",
#' descr = "note",
#' link = "link"
#' )
#' @export
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd hms dminutes
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @importFrom calendar ic_guid ic_write
#' @seealso
#' [calendar package](https://github.com/ATFutures/calendar/)
#' [icalendar standard webpage](https://icalendar.org)
write_ical <-
date = "date",
date.end = NA,
title = "title",
time.start = "start",
time.end = "end",
place = NA,
place.def = NA,
time.def = "10:00:00",
time.dur = 60,
descr = NA,
link = NA,
t.zone = "CET") {
if (!date %in% colnames(df)) {
stop("Supplied date is not a valid column name")
if (!title %in% colnames(df)) {
stop("Supplied title is not a valid column name")
if (is.character(place) & !place %in% colnames(df)) {
stop("Supplied place is not a valid column name")
if (is.character(time.start) & !time.start %in% colnames(df)) {
stop("Supplied time.start is not a valid column name")
if (is.character(time.end) & !time.end %in% colnames(df)) {
stop("Supplied time.end is not a valid column name")
# Both ifelse() and dplyr::if_else() has problems and gives errors
# handling NA's, as everything is evaluated.
# This is my take on a approach by row.
df <- do.call(rbind,
function(i) {
if (is.na(i[time.start])) {
i$start_time <-
lubridate::ymd(i[, date], tz = t.zone) +
else if (!is.na(i[, time.start])) {
i$start_time <-
lubridate::ymd(i[, date], tz = t.zone) +
lubridate::hms(i[, time.start])
if (is.character(date.end) &
!is.na(i[, time.end]) &
is.na(i[, date.end])) {
stop("time.end is needed for entries
with supplied date.end")
else if (is.character(date.end) &
!is.na(i[, time.end]) &
!is.na(i[, date.end])) {
i$end_time <-
lubridate::ymd(i[, date.end], tz = t.zone) +
lubridate::hms(i[, time.end])
else if (!is.na(i[, time.end])) {
i$end_time <-
lubridate::ymd(i[, date], tz = t.zone) +
lubridate::hms(i[, time.end])
} else {
i$end_time <-
i$start_time + lubridate::dminutes(time.dur)
place_meet <- rep(NA, nrow(df))
if (!is.na(place)) {
place_meet <- df[, place]
place_meet[is.na(place_meet)] <- place.def
df_mod <- data.frame(
SUMMARY = df[, title],
DTSTART = df[, "start_time"],
DTEND = df[, "end_time"],
UID = replicate(nrow(df), calendar::ic_guid()),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (!all(is.na(place_meet))) {
df_mod <- data.frame(df_mod,
LOCATION = place_meet)
if (!is.na(link)) {
df_mod <- data.frame(df_mod,
URL = df[, link])
if (!is.na(descr)) {
df_mod <- data.frame(df_mod,
DESCRIPTION = df[, descr])
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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
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<img src="" class="logo" alt=""><h1>Write ical object</h1>
<small class="dont-index">Source: <a href="https://github.com/agdamsbo/stRoke/blob/HEAD/R/write_ical.R" class="external-link"><code>R/write_ical.R</code></a></small>
<div class="d-none name"><code>write_ical.Rd</code></div>
<div class="ref-description section level2">
<p>This function creates an ical file based on a data frame with mixed events.
Export as .ics file using <code><a href="https://rdrr.io/pkg/calendar/man/ic_write.html" class="external-link">calendar::ic_write()</a></code>.</p>
<div class="section level2">
<h2 id="ref-usage">Usage<a class="anchor" aria-label="anchor" href="#ref-usage"></a></h2>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code><span><span class="fu">write_ical</span><span class="op">(</span></span>
<span> <span class="va">df</span>,</span>
<span> date <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"date"</span>,</span>
<span> date.end <span class="op">=</span> <span class="cn">NA</span>,</span>
<span> title <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"title"</span>,</span>
<span> time.start <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"start"</span>,</span>
<span> time.end <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"end"</span>,</span>
<span> place <span class="op">=</span> <span class="cn">NA</span>,</span>
<span> place.def <span class="op">=</span> <span class="cn">NA</span>,</span>
<span> time.def <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"10:00:00"</span>,</span>
<span> time.dur <span class="op">=</span> <span class="fl">60</span>,</span>
<span> descr <span class="op">=</span> <span class="cn">NA</span>,</span>
<span> link <span class="op">=</span> <span class="cn">NA</span>,</span>
<span> t.zone <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"CET"</span></span>
<span><span class="op">)</span></span></code></pre></div>
<div class="section level2">
<h2 id="arguments">Arguments<a class="anchor" aria-label="anchor" href="#arguments"></a></h2>
<dd><p>A data frame with the calendar data</p></dd>
<dd><p>The name of the event date column in the data frame</p></dd>
<dd><p>The name of the end date column in the data frame</p></dd>
<dd><p>The name of the title column in the data frame</p></dd>
<dd><p>The name of the start time column in the data frame</p></dd>
<dd><p>The name of the end time column in the data frame</p></dd>
<dd><p>The name of the place column in the data frame</p></dd>
<dd><p>Default location to use when place is NA</p></dd>
<dd><p>Default start time to use when time.start is NA</p></dd>
<dd><p>Default duration of the event in minutes, if time.end is NA</p></dd>
<dd><p>Name of description/notes column if any.</p></dd>
<dd><p>Name of link column, if any.</p></dd>
<dd><p>A character string of time zone for events. The string must be
a time zone that is recognized by the user's OS.</p></dd>
<div class="section level2">
<h2 id="value">Value<a class="anchor" aria-label="anchor" href="#value"></a></h2>
<p>ical object</p>
<div class="section level2">
<h2 id="see-also">See also<a class="anchor" aria-label="anchor" href="#see-also"></a></h2>
<div class="dont-index"><p><a href="https://github.com/ATFutures/calendar/" class="external-link">calendar package</a>
<a href="https://icalendar.org" class="external-link">icalendar standard webpage</a></p></div>
<div class="section level2">
<h2 id="ref-examples">Examples<a class="anchor" aria-label="anchor" href="#ref-examples"></a></h2>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code><span class="r-in"><span><span class="va">df</span> <span class="op"><-</span> <span class="fu"><a href="https://rdrr.io/r/base/data.frame.html" class="external-link">data.frame</a></span><span class="op">(</span></span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> date <span class="op">=</span> <span class="fu"><a href="https://rdrr.io/r/base/c.html" class="external-link">c</a></span><span class="op">(</span><span class="st">"2020-02-10"</span>, <span class="st">"2020-02-11"</span><span class="op">)</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> end <span class="op">=</span> <span class="fu"><a href="https://rdrr.io/r/base/c.html" class="external-link">c</a></span><span class="op">(</span><span class="st">"2020-02-13"</span>,<span class="cn">NA</span><span class="op">)</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> title <span class="op">=</span> <span class="fu"><a href="https://rdrr.io/r/base/c.html" class="external-link">c</a></span><span class="op">(</span><span class="st">"Conference"</span>, <span class="st">"Lunch"</span><span class="op">)</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> start <span class="op">=</span> <span class="fu"><a href="https://rdrr.io/r/base/c.html" class="external-link">c</a></span><span class="op">(</span><span class="st">"12:00:00"</span>, <span class="cn">NA</span><span class="op">)</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> bye <span class="op">=</span> <span class="fu"><a href="https://rdrr.io/r/base/c.html" class="external-link">c</a></span><span class="op">(</span><span class="st">"13:00:00"</span>, <span class="cn">NA</span><span class="op">)</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> note <span class="op">=</span> <span class="fu"><a href="https://rdrr.io/r/base/c.html" class="external-link">c</a></span><span class="op">(</span><span class="st">"Hi there"</span>,<span class="st">"Remember to come"</span><span class="op">)</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> link <span class="op">=</span> <span class="fu"><a href="https://rdrr.io/r/base/c.html" class="external-link">c</a></span><span class="op">(</span><span class="st">"https://icalendar.org"</span>,<span class="st">"https://agdamsbo.github.io/stRoke/"</span><span class="op">)</span></span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span><span class="op">)</span></span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span></span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span><span class="fu">write_ical</span><span class="op">(</span></span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> <span class="va">df</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> date <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"date"</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> date.end <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"end"</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> title <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"title"</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> time.start <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"start"</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> time.end <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"bye"</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> place.def <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"Conference Room"</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> descr <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"note"</span>,</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span> link <span class="op">=</span> <span class="st">"link"</span></span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span><span class="op">)</span></span></span>
<span class="r-out co"><span class="r-pr">#></span> <span style="color: #949494;"># A tibble: 2 × 7</span></span>
<span class="r-out co"><span class="r-pr">#></span> SUMMARY DTSTART DTEND UID LOCAT…¹ URL DESCR…²</span>
<span class="r-out co"><span class="r-pr">#></span> <span style="color: #949494; font-style: italic;"><chr></span> <span style="color: #949494; font-style: italic;"><dttm></span> <span style="color: #949494; font-style: italic;"><dttm></span> <span style="color: #949494; font-style: italic;"><chr></span> <span style="color: #949494; font-style: italic;"><chr></span> <span style="color: #949494; font-style: italic;"><chr></span> <span style="color: #949494; font-style: italic;"><chr></span> </span>
<span class="r-out co"><span class="r-pr">#></span> <span style="color: #BCBCBC;">1</span> Conference 2020-02-10 <span style="color: #949494;">12:00:00</span> 2020-02-13 <span style="color: #949494;">13:00:00</span> ical… Confer… http… Hi the…</span>
<span class="r-out co"><span class="r-pr">#></span> <span style="color: #BCBCBC;">2</span> Lunch 2020-02-11 <span style="color: #949494;">10:00:00</span> 2020-02-11 <span style="color: #949494;">11:00:00</span> ical… Confer… http… Rememb…</span>
<span class="r-out co"><span class="r-pr">#></span> <span style="color: #949494;"># … with abbreviated variable names ¹LOCATION, ²DESCRIPTION</span></span>
<span class="r-in"><span></span></span>
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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/write_ical.R
\title{Write ical object}
date = "date",
date.end = NA,
title = "title",
time.start = "start",
time.end = "end",
place = NA,
place.def = NA,
time.def = "10:00:00",
time.dur = 60,
descr = NA,
link = NA,
t.zone = "CET"
\item{df}{A data frame with the calendar data}
\item{date}{The name of the event date column in the data frame}
\item{date.end}{The name of the end date column in the data frame}
\item{title}{The name of the title column in the data frame}
\item{time.start}{The name of the start time column in the data frame}
\item{time.end}{The name of the end time column in the data frame}
\item{place}{The name of the place column in the data frame}
\item{place.def}{Default location to use when place is NA}
\item{time.def}{Default start time to use when time.start is NA}
\item{time.dur}{Default duration of the event in minutes, if time.end is NA}
\item{descr}{Name of description/notes column if any.}
\item{link}{Name of link column, if any.}
\item{t.zone}{A character string of time zone for events. The string must be
a time zone that is recognized by the user's OS.}
ical object
This function creates an ical file based on a data frame with mixed events.
Export as .ics file using \code{calendar::ic_write()}.
df <- data.frame(
date = c("2020-02-10", "2020-02-11"),
end = c("2020-02-13",NA),
title = c("Conference", "Lunch"),
start = c("12:00:00", NA),
bye = c("13:00:00", NA),
note = c("Hi there","Remember to come"),
link = c("https://icalendar.org","https://agdamsbo.github.io/stRoke/")
date = "date",
date.end = "end",
title = "title",
time.start = "start",
time.end = "bye",
place.def = "Conference Room",
descr = "note",
link = "link"
\href{https://github.com/ATFutures/calendar/}{calendar package}
\href{https://icalendar.org}{icalendar standard webpage}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
test_that("write_ical() returns a ical object", {
df <- data.frame(
date = c("2020-02-10", "2020-02-11"),
date.end = c("2020-02-13",NA),
title = c("Conference", "Lunch"),
start = c("12:00:00", NA),
end = c("13:00:00", NA),
note = c("Hi there","Remember to come"),
link = c("https://icalendar.org","https://agdamsbo.github.io/stRoke/")
date.end = "date.end"), "ical")
test_that("write_ical() returns error", {
df <- data.frame(
date = c("2020-02-10", "2020-02-11"),
title = c("Conference", "Lunch"),
start = c("12:00:00", NA),
end = c("13:00:00", NA),
note = c("Hi there","Remember to come"),
link = c("https://icalendar.org","https://agdamsbo.github.io/stRoke/")
expect_error(write_ical(df, date = "wrong"))
expect_error(write_ical(df, place = "wrong"))
expect_error(write_ical(df, title = "wrong"))
expect_error(write_ical(df, time.start = "wrong"))
expect_error(write_ical(df, time.end = "wrong"))
test_that("write_ical() returns error", {
df <- data.frame(
date = c("2020-02-10", "2020-02-11"),
date.end = c(NA,"2020-02-13"),
title = c("Conference", "Lunch"),
start = c("12:00:00", NA),
end = c("13:00:00", NA),
note = c("Hi there","Remember to come"),
link = c("https://icalendar.org","https://agdamsbo.github.io/stRoke/")
date.end = "date.end"))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user