% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/replace_char.R \name{replace_char} \alias{replace_char} \title{Replacing specific characters or string elements with gsub()} \usage{ replace_char(char.vec, to.be.rep, replacement) } \arguments{ \item{char.vec}{Vector of elements with to replace.} \item{to.be.rep}{Vector of characters to replace.} \item{replacement}{Vector of characters to replace with.} } \description{ Using gsub() to make repeated character string element replacements. } \examples{ n <- c("Se, en fraek raev", "Oesterland", "Aalborg", "Soester Aase", "Soendergaard") p <- c('Ae', 'ae', 'Oe', 'oe','Aa','aa') r <- c('Æ', 'æ', 'Ø', 'ø','Å','å') replace_char(n,p,r) } \keyword{replace}