#' A repeated ordinal logistic regression function for plotting #' #' Should be combined with "rep_olr()". For bivariate analyses. The confint() function is rather slow, causing the whole function to hang when including many predictors and calculating the ORs with CI. #' @param meas primary outcome (factor with >2 levels). #' @param vars variables in model. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput(). #' @param dta data frame to pull variables from. #' @keywords olr #' @export #' @examples #' rep_olr_sngl() rep_olr_sngl<-function(meas,vars,data){ require(MASS) ad<-vars d<-data mat<-matrix(ncol = 3) for (i in 1:length(ad)){ d2<-d[,c(meas,ad[i])] names(d2)[1]<-"meas" x<-polr(meas~.,data = d2,Hess = TRUE) mat<-rbind(mat,c(exp(coef(x)), exp(confint(x)))) } return(data.frame(mat[-1,])) }