% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/strobe_olr.R \name{strobe_olr} \alias{strobe_olr} \title{Print regression results according to STROBE} \usage{ strobe_olr(meas, vars, data, dec = 2) } \arguments{ \item{meas}{outcome meassure variable name in data-data.frame as a string. Can be numeric or factor. Result is calculated accordingly.} \item{vars}{variables to compare against. As vector of columnnames.} \item{data}{dataframe of data.} \item{dec}{decimals for results, standard is set to 2. Mean and sd is dec-1.} } \description{ Printable table of logistic regression analysis oaccording to STROBE. } \examples{ strobe_olr() } \keyword{olr}