#' For collection of datapoints for bivariate ordinal logistic regression plotting. #' #' Use with plot_ord_odds(), model="df". #' @param meas outcome meassure variable name or response in data-data.frame as a string. Should be factor, preferably ordered. #' @param vars variables to compare against. As vector of columnnames. #' @param data dataframe of data. #' @keywords olr #' @export biv_olr_plot_col<-function(meas,vars,data){ d <- data x <- data.frame(d[, c(ad)]) y <- d[, c(meas)] dt <- cbind(y, x) odds<-c(matrix(ncol = 3)) nms<-c("or","lo","hi") for (i in 1:ncol(x)) { dat <- data.frame(y = y, x[, i]) m <- polr(y ~ ., data = dat, Hess = TRUE) mat<-suppressMessages(matrix(c(exp(coef(m)), exp(confint(m))),ncol=3,byrow=FALSE)) colnames(mat)<-nms odd <- data.frame(mat) odds<-rbind(odds,odd) } return(odds[-1,]) }