% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/rep_glm.R \name{rep_glm} \alias{rep_glm} \title{A repeated logistic regression function} \usage{ rep_glm(meas, vars, string, ci = FALSE, data) } \arguments{ \item{meas}{Effect meassure. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput().} \item{vars}{variables in model. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput().} \item{ci}{flag to get results as OR with 95% confidence interval.} \item{str}{variables to test. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput().} \item{dta}{data frame to pull variables from.} } \description{ For bivariate analyses. The confint() function is rather slow, causing the whole function to hang when including many predictors and calculating the ORs with CI. } \examples{ l<-50 y<-factor(rep(c("a","b"),l)) x<-rnorm(length(y), mean=50, sd=10) v1<-factor(rep(c("r","s"),length(y)/2)) v2<-sample(1:100, length(y), replace=FALSE) v3<-as.numeric(1:length(y)) d<-data.frame(y,x,v1,v2,v3) preds<-c("v1","v2","x") rep_glm(meas="y",vars="v3",string=preds,ci=F,data=d) } \keyword{logistic}