% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/rep_epi_tests.R \name{rep_epi_tests} \alias{rep_epi_tests} \title{A repeated epi.tests function} \usage{ rep_epi_tests(gold, test, data) } \arguments{ \item{gold}{the test or meassure used as "golden standard". Format as list of variable names to include. All variables should be formated as dichotomised factor.} \item{test}{possible predictive tests to evaluate. Format as list of variable names to include. All variables should be formated as dichotomised factor.} \item{data}{dataframe to draw variables from.} } \description{ For bivariate analyses. The confint() function is rather slow, causing the whole function to hang when including many predictors and calculating the ORs with CI. } \details{ Repeats the epi.tests from the epiR package. Either gs or test should be of length 1. } \keyword{npv} \keyword{ppv} \keyword{sensitivity} \keyword{specificity}