#' A repeated epi.tests function #' #' Repeats the epi.tests from the epiR package. #' @description For bivariate analyses. The confint() function is rather slow, causing the whole function to hang when including many predictors and calculating the ORs with CI. #' @param gs the test or meassure used as "golden standard". Format as dichotomised factor. #' @param test possible predictive tests to evaluate. Format as dichotomised factor. #' @keywords ppv npv sensitivity specificity #' @export #' @examples #' rep_epi_tests() rep_epi_tests<-function(gs,test){ require(epiR) ls<-list() for (i in 1:ncol(test)){ t<-table(test[,i],gs) rval <- epi.tests(t, conf.level = 0.95) n<-names(test)[i] ls[[i]]<-list(n,rval) } return(ls) }