#' #' This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking #' the 'Run App' button above. #' #' Find out more about building applications with Shiny here: #' #' http://shiny.rstudio.com/ #' #' #' User requests: #' #' - Proper labelling of chart library(shiny) library(ggplot2) source("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/agdamsbo/daDoctoR/master/R/hwe_geno.R") ui <- fluidPage( # Application title titlePanel("Chi square test of HWE for bi- or triallelic systems"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( # Input: Numeric entry for number of alleles ---- radioButtons(inputId = "ale", label = "Number of alleles:", inline = FALSE, choiceNames=c("Two alleles (M, N)", "Three alleles (M, N, O)"), choiceValues=c(2,3)), h4("Observed genotype distribution"), numericInput(inputId = "mm", label = "MM:", value=NA), numericInput(inputId = "mn", label = "MN:", value=NA), numericInput(inputId = "nn", label = "NN:", value=NA), conditionalPanel(condition = "input.ale==3", numericInput(inputId = "mo", label = "MO:", value=NA), numericInput(inputId = "no", label = "NO:", value=NA), numericInput(inputId = "oo", label = "OO:", value=NA)) ), mainPanel( tabsetPanel( tabPanel("Summary", h3(textOutput("obs.dist", container = span)), htmlOutput("obs.tbl", container = span), h3(textOutput("exp.dist", container = span)), htmlOutput("exp.tbl", container = span), h3(textOutput("allele.dist", container = span)), htmlOutput("allele.tbl", container = span), value=1), tabPanel("Calculations", h3(textOutput("chi", container = span)), htmlOutput("chi.val", container = span), h3(textOutput("p", container = span)), htmlOutput("p.val", container = span), value=2), tabPanel("Plots", h3(textOutput("geno.pie.ttl", container = span)), plotOutput("geno.pie.plt"), value=3), selected= 2, type = "tabs") ) ) )