#' A repeated ordinal logistic regression function #' #' @description For bivariate analyses. The confint() function is rather slow, causing the whole function to hang when including many predictors and calculating the ORs with CI. #' @param meas Effect meassure. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput(). #' @param vars variables in model. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput(). #' @param str variables to test. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput(). #' @param ci flag to get results as OR with 95% confidence interval. #' @param dta data frame to pull variables from. #' @keywords olr ordinal logistic regression #' @export #' @examples #' rep_olr() rep_olr<-function(meas,vars,string,ci=FALSE,data){ require(broom) require(MASS) d<-data x<-data.frame(d[,c(string)]) v<-data.frame(d[,c(vars)]) names(v)<-c(vars) y<-d[,c(meas)] dt<-cbind(y,v) m1<-length(coef(polr(y~.,data = dt,Hess=TRUE))) if (!is.factor(y)){stop("y should be a factor!")} if (ci==TRUE){ df<-data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3)) names(df)<-c("pred","or_ci","pv") for(i in 1:ncol(x)){ dat<-cbind(dt,x[,i]) m<-polr(y~.,data=dat,Hess=TRUE) ctable <- coef(summary(m)) l<-suppressMessages(round(exp(confint(m))[-c(1:m1),1],2)) u<-suppressMessages(round(exp(confint(m))[-c(1:m1),2],2)) or<-round(exp(coef(m))[-c(1:m1)],2) or_ci<-paste0(or," (",l," to ",u,")") p <- (pnorm(abs(ctable[, "t value"]), lower.tail = FALSE) * 2)[1:length(coef(m))] pv<-round(p[-c(1:m1)],3) x1<-x[,i] if (is.factor(x1)){ pred<-paste(names(x)[i],levels(x1)[-1],sep = "_")} else {pred<-names(x)[i]} df<-rbind(df,cbind(pred,or_ci,pv)) }} if (ci==FALSE){ df<-data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3)) names(df)<-c("pred","b","pv") for(i in 1:ncol(x)){ dat<-cbind(dt,x[,i]) m<-polr(y~.,data=dat,Hess=TRUE) ctable <- coef(summary(m)) b<-round(coef(m)[-c(1:m1)],2) p <- (pnorm(abs(ctable[, "t value"]), lower.tail = FALSE) * 2)[1:length(coef(m))] pv<-round(p[-c(1:m1)],3) x1<-x[,i] if (is.factor(x1)){ pred<-paste(names(x)[i],levels(x1)[-1],sep = "_") } else {pred<-names(x)[i]} df<-rbind(df,cbind(pred,b,pv)) }} pa<-as.numeric(df[,c("pv")]) t <- ifelse(pa<=0.1,"include","drop") pa<-ifelse(pa<0.001,"<0.001",pa) pa <- ifelse(pa<=0.05|pa=="<0.001",paste0("*",pa), ifelse(pa>0.05&pa<=0.1,paste0(".",pa),pa)) r<-data.frame(df[,1:2],pa,t)[-1,] return(r) }