% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/rep_lm.R \name{rep_lm} \alias{rep_lm} \title{A repeated linear regression function} \usage{ rep_lm( meas, vars = NULL, string, ci = FALSE, data, fixed.var = FALSE, cut.p = 0.1 ) } \arguments{ \item{meas}{Effect meassure. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput().} \item{vars}{variables in model. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput().} \item{string}{variables to test. Input as c() of columnnames, use dput().} \item{ci}{flag to get results as OR with 95 percent confidence interval.} \item{data}{data frame to pull variables from.} \item{fixed.var}{flag to set "vars" as fixed in the model. When FALSE, then true bivariate linear regression is performed.} } \description{ For bivariate analyses, to determine which variables to include in adjusted model. Output is a list with two elements: data frame with test results and vector of variable names (from 'string') to include determined by set cutoff ('cut.p'). } \keyword{linear} \keyword{regression}