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synced 2025-01-29 16:51:54 +01:00
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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Package: daDoctoR
Type: Package
Author: c(person("Andreas", "Gammelgaard Damsbo", email = "agdamsbo@pm.me", role = c("cre", "aut")))
Maintainer: Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo <agdamsbo@pm.me>
Description: I am a Danish medical doctor involved in neuropsychiatric research.
Here I have collected functions I use for my data analysis. You are very
welcome to get inspired or to use my work.
Imports: broom, dplyr, epiR, ggplot2, MASS, carData
Imports: broom, dplyr, epiR, ggplot2, MASS, carData, eulerr
Suggest: shiny
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ export(cpr_check)
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#' Calculating overlap from list of identifier numbers
#' To use with eulerr package for creating Euler/Venn-diagrams.
#' Ex for creating euler diagram using the euler() function of the eulerr package.
#' @param x Date of birth.
#' Up to five (5) dimensions.
#' @param x list of variables included. Has to be vectors of identifier numbers.
#' @keywords overlap
#' @export
#' @examples
calculate_overlap<-function (x)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
#' Creates Euler model from list of identifier numbers.
#' Calculates overlaps and uses eulerr package to create Euler/Venn-diagrams. Use plot() to create diagram.
#' Combined with an evolved calculate.overlap() from the VennDiagram library.
#' Up to five (5) dimensions. Limit set by the complexity of combinations. euler() supports more.
#' @param x list of variables included. Has to be vectors of identifier numbers.
#' @param shape same as for euler(). These includes c("circle","ellipse").
#' @keywords overlap
#' @export
euler_plot<-function (x,shape)
if (1 == length(x)) {
overlap <- list("A"=x)
else if (2 == length(x)) {
overlap <- list("A" = x[[1]], "B" = x[[2]], "A&B" = intersect(x[[1]],
else if (3 == length(x)) {
A <- x[[1]]
B <- x[[2]]
C <- x[[3]]
nab <- intersect(A, B)
nbc <- intersect(B, C)
nac <- intersect(A, C)
nabc <- intersect(nab, C)
a5 = nabc
a2 = nab[which(!nab %in% a5)]
a4 = nac[which(!nac %in% a5)]
a6 = nbc[which(!nbc %in% a5)]
a1 = A[which(!A %in% c(a2, a4, a5))]
a3 = B[which(!B %in% c(a2, a5, a6))]
a7 = C[which(!C %in% c(a4, a5, a6))]
overlap <- list("A" = a1,
"B" = a3,
"C" = a7,
"A&B" = a2,
"B&C" = a6,
"A&C" = a4,
"A&B&C" = a5)
else if (4 == length(x)) {
A <- x[[1]]
B <- x[[2]]
C <- x[[3]]
D <- x[[4]]
n12 <- intersect(A, B)
n13 <- intersect(A, C)
n14 <- intersect(A, D)
n23 <- intersect(B, C)
n24 <- intersect(B, D)
n34 <- intersect(C, D)
n123 <- intersect(n12, C)
n124 <- intersect(n12, D)
n134 <- intersect(n13, D)
n234 <- intersect(n23, D)
n1234 <- intersect(n123, D)
a6 = n1234
a12 = n123[which(!n123 %in% a6)]
a11 = n124[which(!n124 %in% a6)]
a5 = n134[which(!n134 %in% a6)]
a7 = n234[which(!n234 %in% a6)]
a15 = n12[which(!n12 %in% c(a6, a11, a12))]
a4 = n13[which(!n13 %in% c(a6, a5, a12))]
a10 = n14[which(!n14 %in% c(a6, a5, a11))]
a13 = n23[which(!n23 %in% c(a6, a7, a12))]
a8 = n24[which(!n24 %in% c(a6, a7, a11))]
a2 = n34[which(!n34 %in% c(a6, a5, a7))]
a9 = A[which(!A %in% c(a4, a5, a6, a10, a11, a12, a15))]
a14 = B[which(!B %in% c(a6, a7, a8, a11, a12, a13, a15))]
a1 = C[which(!C %in% c(a2, a4, a5, a6, a7, a12, a13))]
a3 = D[which(!D %in% c(a2, a5, a6, a7, a8, a10, a11))]
overlap <- list("A" = a9,
"B" = a14,
"C" = a1,
"D" = a3,
"A&B" = a15,
"A&C" = a4,
"A&D" = a10,
"B&C" = a13,
"B&D" = a8,
"C&D" = a2,
"A&B&C" = a12,
"A&B&D" = a11,
"A&C&D" = a5,
"B&C&D" = a7,
"A&B&C&D"= a6,
a6 = a6, a12 = a12, a11 = a11, a5 = a5,
a7 = a7, a15 = a15, a4 = a4, a10 = a10, a13 = a13,
a8 = a8, a2 = a2, a9 = a9, a14 = a14, a1 = a1, a3 = a3,A=A,B=B,C=C,D=D)
else if (5 == length(x)) {
A <- x[[1]]
B <- x[[2]]
C <- x[[3]]
D <- x[[4]]
E <- x[[5]]
n12 <- intersect(A, B)
n13 <- intersect(A, C)
n14 <- intersect(A, D)
n15 <- intersect(A, E)
n23 <- intersect(B, C)
n24 <- intersect(B, D)
n25 <- intersect(B, E)
n34 <- intersect(C, D)
n35 <- intersect(C, E)
n45 <- intersect(D, E)
n123 <- intersect(n12, C)
n124 <- intersect(n12, D)
n125 <- intersect(n12, E)
n134 <- intersect(n13, D)
n135 <- intersect(n13, E)
n145 <- intersect(n14, E)
n234 <- intersect(n23, D)
n235 <- intersect(n23, E)
n245 <- intersect(n24, E)
n345 <- intersect(n34, E)
n1234 <- intersect(n123, D)
n1235 <- intersect(n123, E)
n1245 <- intersect(n124, E)
n1345 <- intersect(n134, E)
n2345 <- intersect(n234, E)
n12345 <- intersect(n1234, E)
a31 = n12345
a30 = n1234[which(!n1234 %in% a31)]
a29 = n1235[which(!n1235 %in% a31)]
a28 = n1245[which(!n1245 %in% a31)]
a27 = n1345[which(!n1345 %in% a31)]
a26 = n2345[which(!n2345 %in% a31)]
a25 = n245[which(!n245 %in% c(a26, a28, a31))]
a24 = n234[which(!n234 %in% c(a26, a30, a31))]
a23 = n134[which(!n134 %in% c(a27, a30, a31))]
a22 = n123[which(!n123 %in% c(a29, a30, a31))]
a21 = n235[which(!n235 %in% c(a26, a29, a31))]
a20 = n125[which(!n125 %in% c(a28, a29, a31))]
a19 = n124[which(!n124 %in% c(a28, a30, a31))]
a18 = n145[which(!n145 %in% c(a27, a28, a31))]
a17 = n135[which(!n135 %in% c(a27, a29, a31))]
a16 = n345[which(!n345 %in% c(a26, a27, a31))]
a15 = n45[which(!n45 %in% c(a18, a25, a16, a28, a27,
a26, a31))]
a14 = n24[which(!n24 %in% c(a19, a24, a25, a30, a28,
a26, a31))]
a13 = n34[which(!n34 %in% c(a16, a23, a24, a26, a27,
a30, a31))]
a12 = n13[which(!n13 %in% c(a17, a22, a23, a27, a29,
a30, a31))]
a11 = n23[which(!n23 %in% c(a21, a22, a24, a26, a29,
a30, a31))]
a10 = n25[which(!n25 %in% c(a20, a21, a25, a26, a28,
a29, a31))]
a9 = n12[which(!n12 %in% c(a19, a20, a22, a28, a29,
a30, a31))]
a8 = n14[which(!n14 %in% c(a18, a19, a23, a27, a28,
a30, a31))]
a7 = n15[which(!n15 %in% c(a17, a18, a20, a27, a28,
a29, a31))]
a6 = n35[which(!n35 %in% c(a16, a17, a21, a26, a27,
a29, a31))]
a5 = E[which(!E %in% c(a6, a7, a15, a16, a17, a18, a25,
a26, a27, a28, a31, a20, a29, a21, a10))]
a4 = D[which(!D %in% c(a13, a14, a15, a16, a23, a24,
a25, a26, a27, a28, a31, a18, a19, a8, a30))]
a3 = C[which(!C %in% c(a21, a11, a12, a13, a29, a22,
a23, a24, a30, a31, a26, a27, a16, a6, a17))]
a2 = B[which(!B %in% c(a9, a10, a19, a20, a21, a11,
a28, a29, a31, a22, a30, a26, a25, a24, a14))]
a1 = A[which(!A %in% c(a7, a8, a18, a17, a19, a9, a27,
a28, a31, a20, a30, a29, a22, a23, a12))]
overlap <- list("A" = a1,
"B" = a2,
"C" = a3,
"D" = a4,
"E" = a5,
"A&B" = a9,
"A&C" = a12,
"A&D" = a8,
"A&E" = a7,
"B&C" = a11,
"B&D" = a14,
"B&E" = a10,
"C&D" = a13,
"C&E" = a6,
"D&E" = a15,
"A&B&C" = a22,
"A&B&D" = a19,
"A&B&E" = a20,
"A&C&D" = a23,
"A&C&E" = a17,
"A&D&E" = a18,
"B&C&D" = a24,
"B&C&E" = a21,
"B&D&E" = a25,
"C&D&E" = a16,
"A&B&C&D"= a30,
"A&B&C&E"= a29,
"A&B&D&E"= a28,
"A&C&D&E"= a27,
"B&C&D&E"= a26,
"A&B&C&D&E"= a31)
else {
flog.error("Invalid size of input object", name = "VennDiagramLogger")
stop("Invalid size of input object")
eul <- euler(unlist(overlap, use.names=T),shape = sh)
@ -7,12 +7,11 @@
\item{x}{Date of birth.}
\item{x}{list of variables included. Has to be vectors of identifier numbers.}
To use with eulerr package for creating Euler/Venn-diagrams.
Ex for creating euler diagram using the euler() function of the eulerr package.
Up to five (5) dimensions.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/euler_plot.R
\title{Creates Euler model from list of identifier numbers.}
euler_plot(x, shape)
\item{x}{list of variables included. Has to be vectors of identifier numbers.}
\item{shape}{same as for euler(). These includes c("circle","ellipse").}
Calculates overlaps and uses eulerr package to create Euler/Venn-diagrams. Use plot() to create diagram.
Combined with an evolved calculate.overlap() from the VennDiagram library.
Up to five (5) dimensions. Limit set by the complexity of combinations. euler() supports more.
Reference in New Issue
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