\item{meas}{outcome meassure variable name or response in data-data.frame as a string. Should be factor, preferably ordered.}
\item{vars}{variables to compare against. As vector of columnnames.}
\item{data}{dataframe of data.}
\item{title}{plot title}
\item{dec}{decimals for labels}
\item{lbls}{labels for variable names. Carefull, as the right order is not checked automatically!}
\item{hori}{labels the horizontal axis (this i the y axis as the plot is rotated)}
\item{vert}{labels the horizontal axis (this i the x axis as the plot is rotated)}
\item{short}{flag to half number of ticks on horizontal axis.}
\item{analysis}{can be either "biv", or "multi", for creation of forest plot from either bivariate (unadjusted) or multivariate (adjusted) ordinal logistic regression.}
Heavily inspired by https://www.r-bloggers.com/plotting-odds-ratios-aka-a-forrestplot-with-ggplot2/