#' Launch the included Shiny-app for database casting and upload #' #' @description #' Wraps shiny::runApp() #' #' @param ... Arguments passed to shiny::runApp() #' #' @return shiny app #' @export #' #' @examples #' # shiny_cast() #' shiny_cast <- function(...) { appDir <- system.file("shiny-examples", "casting", package = "REDCapCAST") if (appDir == "") { stop("Could not find example directory. Try re-installing `REDCapCAST`.", call. = FALSE) } shiny::runApp(appDir = appDir, ...) } #' DEPRECATED Helper to import files correctly #' #' @param filenames file names #' #' @return character vector #' @export #' #' @examples #' file_extension(list.files(here::here(""))[[2]])[[1]] #' file_extension(c("file.cd..ks", "file")) file_extension <- function(filenames) { sub( pattern = "^(.*\\.|[^.]+)(?=[^.]*)", replacement = "", filenames, perl = TRUE ) } #' Flexible file import based on extension #' #' @param file file name #' @param consider.na character vector of strings to consider as NAs #' #' @return tibble #' @export #' #' @importFrom openxlsx2 read_xlsx #' @importFrom haven read_dta #' @importFrom readODS read_ods #' @importFrom readr read_csv read_rds #' #' #' @examples #' read_input("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/agdamsbo/cognitive.index.lookup/main/data/sample.csv") read_input <- function(file, consider.na = c("NA", '""', "")) { ext <- tolower(tools::file_ext(file)) tryCatch( { if (ext == "csv") { df <- read_csv(file = file, na = consider.na) } else if (ext %in% c("xls", "xlsx")) { df <- read_xlsx(file = file, na.strings = consider.na) } else if (ext == "dta") { df <- read_dta(file = file) } else if (ext == "ods") { df <- read_ods(path = file) } else if (ext == "rds") { df <- read_rds(file = file) }else { stop("Input file format has to be on of: '.csv', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.dta', '.ods' or '.rds'") } }, error = function(e) { # return a safeError if a parsing error occurs stop(shiny::safeError(e)) } ) df } #' Overview of REDCapCAST data for shiny #' #' @param data list with class 'REDCapCAST' #' #' @return gt object #' @export cast_data_overview <- function(data){ stopifnot("REDCapCAST" %in% class(data)) data |> purrr::pluck("data") |> utils::head(20) |> # dplyr::tibble() |> gt::gt() |> gt::tab_style( style = gt::cell_text(weight = "bold"), locations = gt::cells_column_labels(dplyr::everything()) ) |> gt::tab_header( title = "Imported data preview", subtitle = "The first 20 subjects of the supplied dataset for reference." ) } #' Overview of REDCapCAST meta data for shiny #' #' @param data list with class 'REDCapCAST' #' #' @return gt object #' @export cast_meta_overview <- function(data){ stopifnot("REDCapCAST" %in% class(data)) data |> purrr::pluck("meta") |> # dplyr::tibble() |> dplyr::mutate( dplyr::across( dplyr::everything(), \(.x) { .x[is.na(.x)] <- "" return(.x) } ) ) |> dplyr::select(1:8) |> gt::gt() |> gt::tab_style( style = gt::cell_text(weight = "bold"), locations = gt::cells_column_labels(dplyr::everything()) ) |> gt::tab_header( title = "Generated metadata", subtitle = "Only the first 8 columns are modified using REDCapCAST. Download the metadata to see everything." ) |> gt::tab_style( style = gt::cell_borders( sides = c("left", "right"), color = "grey80", weight = gt::px(1) ), locations = gt::cells_body( columns = dplyr::everything() ) ) } #' Nav_bar defining function for shiny ui #' #' @return shiny object #' @export #' nav_bar_page <- function(){ bslib::page_navbar( title = "Easy REDCap database creation", sidebar = bslib::sidebar( width = 300, shiny::h5("Metadata casting"), shiny::fileInput( inputId = "ds", label = "Upload spreadsheet", multiple = FALSE, accept = c( ".csv", ".xls", ".xlsx", ".dta", ".rds", ".ods" ) ), # shiny::actionButton( # inputId = "load_data", # label = "Load data", # icon = shiny::icon("circle-down") # ), shiny::helpText("Have a look at the preview panels to validate the data dictionary and imported data."), # For some odd reason this only unfolds when the preview panel is shown.. # This has been solved by adding an arbitrary button to load data - which was abandoned again shiny::conditionalPanel( condition = "output.uploaded=='yes'", shiny::radioButtons( inputId = "add_id", label = "Add ID, or use first column?", selected = "no", inline = TRUE, choices = list( "First column" = "no", "Add ID" = "yes", "No ID" = "none" ) ), shiny::radioButtons( inputId = "specify_factors", label = "Specify categorical variables?", selected = "no", inline = TRUE, choices = list( "No" = "no", "Yes" = "yes" ) ), shiny::conditionalPanel( condition = "input.specify_factors=='yes'", shiny::uiOutput("factor_vars") ), # condition = "input.load_data", # shiny::helpText("Below you can download the dataset formatted for upload and the # corresponding data dictionary for a new data base, if you want to upload manually."), # Button shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "downloadData", label = "Download renamed data"), # Button shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "downloadMeta", label = "Download data dictionary"), # Button shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "downloadInstrument", label = "Download as instrument"), # Horizontal line ---- shiny::tags$hr(), shiny::radioButtons( inputId = "upload_redcap", label = "Upload directly to REDCap server?", selected = "no", inline = TRUE, choices = list( "No" = "no", "Yes" = "yes" ) ), shiny::conditionalPanel( condition = "input.upload_redcap=='yes'", shiny::h4("2) Data base upload"), shiny::helpText("This tool is usable for now. Detailed instructions are coming."), shiny::textInput( inputId = "uri", label = "URI", value = "https://redcap.your.institution/api/" ), shiny::textInput( inputId = "api", label = "API key", value = "" ), shiny::helpText("An API key is an access key to the REDCap database. Please", shiny::a("see here for directions", href = "https://www.iths.org/news/redcap-tip/redcap-api-101/"), " to obtain an API key for your project."), shiny::actionButton( inputId = "upload.meta", label = "Upload datadictionary", icon = shiny::icon("book-bookmark") ), shiny::helpText("Please note, that before uploading any real data, put your project into production mode."), shiny::actionButton( inputId = "upload.data", label = "Upload data", icon = shiny::icon("upload") ) ) ), shiny::br(), shiny::br(), shiny::br(), shiny::p( "License: ", shiny::a("GPL-3+", href = "https://agdamsbo.github.io/REDCapCAST/LICENSE.html") ), shiny::p( shiny::a("Package documentation", href = "https://agdamsbo.github.io/REDCapCAST") ) ), bslib::nav_panel( title = "Intro", shiny::markdown(readLines("www/SHINYCAST.md")), shiny::br() ), # bslib::nav_spacer(), bslib::nav_panel( title = "Data preview", gt::gt_output(outputId = "data.tbl") # shiny::htmlOutput(outputId = "data.tbl", container = shiny::span) ), bslib::nav_panel( title = "Dictionary overview", gt::gt_output(outputId = "meta.tbl") # shiny::htmlOutput(outputId = "meta.tbl", container = shiny::span) ), bslib::nav_panel( title = "Upload", shiny::h3("Meta upload overview"), shiny::textOutput(outputId = "upload.meta.print"), shiny::h3("Data upload overview"), shiny::textOutput(outputId = "upload.data.print") ) ) }