% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/ds2dd_detailed.R
\title{(DEPRECATED) Data set to data dictionary function}
  record.id = "record_id",
  form.name = "basis",
  field.type = "text",
  field.label = NULL,
  include.column.names = FALSE,
  metadata = names(REDCapCAST::redcapcast_meta)
\item{ds}{data set}

\item{record.id}{name or column number of id variable, moved to first row of
data dictionary, character of integer. Default is "record_id".}

\item{form.name}{vector of form names, character string, length 1 or length
equal to number of variables. Default is "basis".}

\item{field.type}{vector of field types, character string, length 1 or length
equal to number of variables. Default is "text.}

\item{field.label}{vector of form names, character string, length 1 or length
equal to number of variables. Default is NULL and is then identical to field

\item{include.column.names}{Flag to give detailed output including new
column names for original data set for upload.}

\item{metadata}{Metadata column names. Default is the included
data.frame or list of data.frame and vector
Creates a very basic data dictionary skeleton. Please see `ds2dd_detailed()`
for a more advanced function.
Migrated from stRoke ds2dd(). Fits better with the functionality of
redcapcast_data$record_id <- seq_len(nrow(redcapcast_data))
ds2dd(redcapcast_data, include.column.names=TRUE)