library(bslib) library(shiny) library(openxlsx2) library(haven) library(readODS) library(readr) library(dplyr) library(gt) library(devtools) # if (!requireNamespace("REDCapCAST")) { # install.packages("REDCapCAST") # } # library(REDCapCAST) ## Load merged files for hosting if (file.exists(here::here("functions.R"))) { source(here::here("functions.R")) } server <- function(input, output, session) { v <- shiny::reactiveValues( file = NULL ) ds <- shiny::reactive({ shiny::req(input$ds) out <- read_input(input$ds$datapath) out <- out |> ## Parses data with readr functions parse_data() |> ## Converts logical to factor, preserving attributes with own function dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.logical), as_factor)) out }) dat <- shiny::reactive({ out <- ds() if (!is.null(input$factor_vars)) { out <- out |> dplyr::mutate( dplyr::across( dplyr::all_of(input$factor_vars), as_factor ) ) } if (input$factorize == "yes") { out <- out |> (\(.x){ suppressWarnings( numchar2fct(.x) ) })() } out }) # getData <- reactive({ # if(is.null(input$ds$datapath)) return(NULL) # }) # output$uploaded <- reactive({ # return(!is.null(getData())) # }) dd <- shiny::reactive({ shiny::req(input$ds) v$file <- "loaded" ds2dd_detailed( data = dat(), = input$add_id == "yes", metadata = c( "field_name", "form_name", "section_header", "field_type", "field_label", "select_choices_or_calculations", "field_note", "text_validation_type_or_show_slider_number", "text_validation_min", "text_validation_max", "identifier", "branching_logic", "required_field", "custom_alignment", "question_number", "matrix_group_name", "matrix_ranking", "field_annotation" ) ) }) output$factor_vars <- shiny::renderUI({ shiny::req(input$ds) selectizeInput( inputId = "factor_vars", selected = colnames(dat())[sapply(dat(), is.factor)], label = "Covariables to format as categorical", choices = colnames(dat()), multiple = TRUE ) }) ## Specify ID if necessary # output$id_var <- shiny::renderUI({ # shiny::req(input$ds) # selectizeInput( # inputId = "id_var", # selected = colnames(dat())[1], # label = "ID variable", # choices = colnames(dat())[-match(colnames(dat()),input$factor_vars)], # multiple = FALSE # ) # }) output$data.tbl <- gt::render_gt( dd() |> cast_data_overview() ) output$meta.tbl <- gt::render_gt( dd() |> cast_meta_overview() ) # Downloadable csv of dataset ---- output$downloadData <- shiny::downloadHandler( filename = "data_ready.csv", content = function(file) { write.csv(purrr::pluck(dd(), "data"), file, row.names = FALSE, na = "") } ) # Downloadable csv of data dictionary ---- output$downloadMeta <- shiny::downloadHandler( filename = paste0("REDCapCAST_DataDictionary_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"), content = function(file) { write.csv(purrr::pluck(dd(), "meta"), file, row.names = FALSE, na = "") } ) # Downloadable .zip of instrument ---- output$downloadInstrument <- shiny::downloadHandler( filename = paste0("REDCapCAST_instrument", Sys.Date(), ".zip"), content = function(file) { export_redcap_instrument(purrr::pluck(dd(), "meta"), file = file, = ifelse(input$add_id == "none", NA, names(dat())[1]) ) } ) output_staging <- shiny::reactiveValues() output_staging$meta <- output_staging$data <- NA shiny::observeEvent(input$upload.meta, { upload_meta() }) shiny::observeEvent(input$, { upload_data() }) upload_meta <- function() { shiny::req(input$uri) shiny::req(input$api) output_staging$meta <- REDCapR::redcap_metadata_write( ds = purrr::pluck(dd(), "meta"), redcap_uri = input$uri, token = input$api ) |> purrr::pluck("success") } upload_data <- function() { shiny::req(input$uri) shiny::req(input$api) output_staging$data <- dd() |> apply_factor_labels() |> REDCapR::redcap_write( redcap_uri = input$uri, token = input$api ) |> purrr::pluck("success") } output$upload.meta.print <- renderText(output_staging$meta) output$ <- renderText(output_staging$data) output$uploaded <- shiny::reactive({ if (is.null(v$file)) { "no" } else { "yes" } }) shiny::outputOptions(output, "uploaded", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE) output$data.load <- shiny::renderText(expr = nrow(dat())) # session$onSessionEnded(function() { # # cat("Session Ended\n") # unlink("www",recursive = TRUE) # }) } ui <- bslib::page( theme = bslib::bs_theme(preset = "united"), title = "REDCap database creator", bslib::page_navbar( title = "Easy REDCap database creation", sidebar = bslib::sidebar( width = 300, shiny::h5("Metadata casting"), shiny::fileInput( inputId = "ds", label = "Upload spreadsheet", multiple = FALSE, accept = c( ".csv", ".xls", ".xlsx", ".dta", ".rds", ".ods" ) ), # shiny::actionButton( # inputId = "load_data", # label = "Load data", # icon = shiny::icon("circle-down") # ), shiny::helpText("Have a look at the preview panels to validate the data dictionary and imported data."), # For some odd reason this only unfolds when the preview panel is shown.. # This has been solved by adding an arbitrary button to load data - which was abandoned again shiny::conditionalPanel( condition = "output.uploaded=='yes'", shiny::radioButtons( inputId = "add_id", label = "Add ID, or use first column?", selected = "no", inline = TRUE, choices = list( "First column" = "no", "Add ID" = "yes", "No ID" = "none" ) ), shiny::radioButtons( inputId = "factorize", label = "Factorize variables with few levels?", selected = "yes", inline = TRUE, choices = list( "Yes" = "yes", "No" = "no" ) ), shiny::radioButtons( inputId = "specify_factors", label = "Specify categorical variables?", selected = "no", inline = TRUE, choices = list( "Yes" = "yes", "No" = "no" ) ), shiny::conditionalPanel( condition = "input.specify_factors=='yes'", shiny::uiOutput("factor_vars") ), # condition = "input.load_data", # shiny::helpText("Below you can download the dataset formatted for upload and the # corresponding data dictionary for a new data base, if you want to upload manually."), shiny::tags$hr(), shiny::h4("Download data for manual upload"), shiny::helpText("Look further down for direct upload option"), # Button shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "downloadData", label = "Download renamed data"), shiny::em("and then"), # Button shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "downloadMeta", label = "Download data dictionary"), shiny::em("or"), shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "downloadInstrument", label = "Download as instrument"), # Horizontal line ---- shiny::tags$hr(), shiny::radioButtons( inputId = "upload_redcap", label = "Upload directly to a REDCap server?", selected = "no", inline = TRUE, choices = list( "Yes" = "yes", "No" = "no" ) ), shiny::conditionalPanel( condition = "input.upload_redcap=='yes'", shiny::h4("2) Data base upload"), shiny::helpText("This tool is usable for now. Detailed instructions are coming."), shiny::textInput( inputId = "uri", label = "URI", value = "https://redcap.your.institution/api/" ), shiny::textInput( inputId = "api", label = "API key", value = "" ), shiny::helpText("An API key is an access key to the REDCap database. Please", shiny::a("see here for directions", href = ""), " to obtain an API key for your project."), shiny::actionButton( inputId = "upload.meta", label = "Upload datadictionary", icon = shiny::icon("book-bookmark") ), shiny::helpText("Please note, that before uploading any real data, put your project into production mode."), shiny::actionButton( inputId = "", label = "Upload data", icon = shiny::icon("upload") ) ) ), shiny::br(), shiny::br(), shiny::br(), shiny::p( "License: ", shiny::a("GPL-3+", href = "") ), shiny::p( shiny::a("Package documentation", href = "") ) ), bslib::nav_panel( title = "Intro", shiny::markdown(readLines("www/")), shiny::br(), shiny::textOutput(outputId = "data.load") ), # bslib::nav_spacer(), bslib::nav_panel( title = "Data preview", gt::gt_output(outputId = "data.tbl") # shiny::htmlOutput(outputId = "data.tbl", container = shiny::span) ), bslib::nav_panel( title = "Dictionary overview", gt::gt_output(outputId = "meta.tbl") # shiny::htmlOutput(outputId = "meta.tbl", container = shiny::span) ), bslib::nav_panel( title = "Upload", shiny::h3("Meta upload overview"), shiny::textOutput(outputId = "upload.meta.print"), shiny::h3("Data upload overview"), shiny::textOutput(outputId = "") ) ) ) shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)