% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/as_factor.R \name{as_factor} \alias{as_factor} \alias{as_factor.factor} \alias{as_factor.logical} \alias{as_factor.numeric} \alias{as_factor.character} \alias{as_factor.haven_labelled} \alias{as_factor.labelled} \alias{as_factor.data.frame} \title{Convert labelled vectors to factors while preserving attributes} \usage{ as_factor(x, ...) \method{as_factor}{factor}(x, ...) \method{as_factor}{logical}(x, ...) \method{as_factor}{numeric}(x, ...) \method{as_factor}{character}(x, ...) \method{as_factor}{haven_labelled}( x, levels = c("default", "labels", "values", "both"), ordered = FALSE, ... ) \method{as_factor}{labelled}( x, levels = c("default", "labels", "values", "both"), ordered = FALSE, ... ) \method{as_factor}{data.frame}(x, ..., only_labelled = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Object to coerce to a factor.} \item{...}{Other arguments passed down to method.} \item{levels}{How to create the levels of the generated factor: * "default": uses labels where available, otherwise the values. Labels are sorted by value. * "both": like "default", but pastes together the level and value * "label": use only the labels; unlabelled values become `NA` * "values": use only the values} \item{ordered}{If `TRUE` create an ordered (ordinal) factor, if `FALSE` (the default) create a regular (nominal) factor.} \item{only_labelled}{Only apply to labelled columns?} } \description{ This extends \link[forcats]{as_factor} as well as \link[haven]{as_factor}, by appending original attributes except for "class" after converting to factor to avoid ta loss in case of rich formatted and labelled data. } \details{ Please refer to parent functions for extended documentation. To avoid redundancy calls and errors, functions are copy-pasted here } \examples{ # will preserve all attributes c(1, 4, 3, "A", 7, 8, 1) |> as_factor() structure(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 10, 9), labels = c(Unknown = 9, Refused = 10) ) |> as_factor() |> dput() structure(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 10, 9), labels = c(Unknown = 9, Refused = 10), class = "haven_labelled" ) |> as_factor() }