#' Retrieve project API key if stored, if not, set and retrieve #' #' @description #' Attempting to make secure API key storage so simple, that no other way makes #' sense. Wrapping \link[keyring]{key_get} and \link[keyring]{key_set} using the #' \link[keyring]{key_list} to check if key is in storage already. #' #' #' @param key.name character vector of key name #' @param ... passed to \link[keyring]{key_set} #' #' @return character vector #' @importFrom keyring key_list key_get key_set #' @export get_api_key <- function(key.name, ...) { if (key.name %in% keyring::key_list()$service) { keyring::key_get(service = key.name) } else { keyring::key_set(service = key.name, ...) keyring::key_get(service = key.name) } } #' Secure API key storage and data acquisition in one #' #' @param project.name The name of the current project (for key storage with #' \link[keyring]{key_set}, using the default keyring) #' @param widen.data argument to widen the exported data #' @param uri REDCap database API uri #' @param ... arguments passed on to \link[REDCapCAST]{read_redcap_tables}. #' #' @return data.frame or list depending on widen.data #' @export #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' easy_redcap("My_new_project",fields=c("record_id","age","hypertension")) #' } easy_redcap <- function(project.name, widen.data = TRUE, uri, ...) { key <- get_api_key(key.name = paste0(project.name, "_REDCAP_API"), prompt = "Provide REDCap API key:") out <- read_redcap_tables( uri = uri, token = key, raw_or_label = "both", ... ) if (widen.data) { out <- out |> redcap_wider() |> suffix2label() } out }