% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ds2dd_detailed.R \name{parse_data} \alias{parse_data} \title{Helper to auto-parse un-formatted data with haven and readr} \usage{ parse_data( data, guess_type = TRUE, col_types = NULL, locale = readr::default_locale(), ignore.vars = "cpr", ... ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{data.frame or tibble} \item{guess_type}{logical to guess type with readr} \item{col_types}{specify col_types using readr semantics. Ignored if guess_type is TRUE} \item{locale}{option to specify locale. Defaults to readr::default_locale().} \item{ignore.vars}{specify column names of columns to ignore when parsing} \item{...}{ignored} } \value{ data.frame or tibble } \description{ Helper to auto-parse un-formatted data with haven and readr } \examples{ \dontrun{ mtcars |> parse_data() |> str() } }