% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/doc2dd.R \name{case_match_regex_list} \alias{case_match_regex_list} \title{List-base regex case_when} \usage{ case_match_regex_list(data, match.list, .default = NA) } \arguments{ \item{data}{vector} \item{match.list}{list of case matches} \item{.default}{Default value for non-matches. Default is NA.} } \value{ vector } \description{ Mimics case_when for list of regex patterns and values. Used for date/time validation generation from name vector. Like case_when, the matches are in order of priority. Primarily used in REDCapCAST to do data type coding from systematic variable naming. } \examples{ case_match_regex_list( c("test_date", "test_time", "test_tida", "test_tid"), list(date_dmy = "_dat[eo]$", time_hh_mm_ss = "_ti[md]e?$") ) }