% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/easy_redcap.R \name{easy_redcap} \alias{easy_redcap} \title{Secure API key storage and data acquisition in one} \usage{ easy_redcap(project.name, widen.data = TRUE, uri, ...) } \arguments{ \item{project.name}{The name of the current project (for key storage with `keyring::key_set()`, using the default keyring)} \item{widen.data}{argument to widen the exported data} \item{uri}{REDCap database API uri} \item{...}{arguments passed on to `REDCapCAST::read_redcap_tables()`} } \value{ data.frame or list depending on widen.data } \description{ Secure API key storage and data acquisition in one }