% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/utils.R \name{strsplitx} \alias{strsplitx} \title{Extended string splitting} \usage{ strsplitx(x, split, type = "classic", perl = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{data} \item{split}{delimiter} \item{type}{Split type. Can be c("classic", "before", "after", "around")} \item{perl}{perl param from strsplit()} \item{...}{additional parameters are passed to base strsplit handling splits} } \value{ list } \description{ Can be used as a substitute of the base function. Main claim to fame is easing the split around the defined delimiter, see example. } \examples{ test <- c("12 months follow-up", "3 steps", "mRS 6 weeks", "Counting to 231 now") strsplitx(test, "[0-9]", type = "around") }