#' focused_metadata #' @description Extracts limited metadata for variables in a dataset #' @param metadata A dataframe containing metadata #' @param vars_in_data Vector of variable names in the dataset #' @return A dataframe containing metadata for the variables in the dataset #' @export #' focused_metadata <- function(metadata, vars_in_data) { if (any(c("tbl_df", "tbl") %in% class(metadata))) { metadata <- data.frame(metadata) } field_name <- grepl(".*[Ff]ield[._][Nn]ame$", names(metadata)) field_type <- grepl(".*[Ff]ield[._][Tt]ype$", names(metadata)) fields <- metadata[ !metadata[, field_type] %in% c("descriptive", "checkbox") & metadata[, field_name] %in% vars_in_data, field_name ] # Process checkbox fields if (any(metadata[, field_type] == "checkbox")) { # Getting base field names from checkbox fields vars_check <- sub(pattern = "___.*$", replacement = "", vars_in_data) # Processing checkbox_basenames <- metadata[ metadata[, field_type] == "checkbox" & metadata[, field_name] %in% vars_check, field_name ] fields <- c(fields, checkbox_basenames) } # Process instrument status fields form_names <- unique(metadata[, grepl( ".*[Ff]orm[._][Nn]ame$", names(metadata) )][metadata[, field_name] %in% fields]) form_complete_fields <- paste0(form_names, "_complete") fields <- c(fields, form_complete_fields) # Process survey timestamps timestamps <- intersect(vars_in_data, paste0(form_names, "_timestamp")) if (length(timestamps)) { timestamp_fields <- timestamps fields <- c(fields, timestamp_fields) } # Process ".*\\.factor" fields supplied by REDCap's export data R script if (any(grepl("\\.factor$", vars_in_data))) { factor_fields <- do.call( "rbind", apply(fields, 1, function(x, y) { field_indices <- grepl(paste0("^", x[1], "\\.factor$"), y) if (any(field_indices)) { data.frame( field_name = y[field_indices], form_name = x[2], stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL ) } }, y = vars_in_data ) ) fields <- c(fields, factor_fields[, 1]) } metadata[metadata[, field_name] %in% fields, ] } #' clean_redcap_name #' @description #' Stepwise removal on non-alphanumeric characters, trailing white space, #' substitutes spaces for underscores and converts to lower case. #' Trying to make up for different naming conventions. #' #' @param x vector or data frame for cleaning #' #' @return vector or data frame, same format as input #' @export #' #' @examples #' "Research!, ne:ws? and c;l-.ls" |> clean_redcap_name() clean_redcap_name <- function(x) { gsub("[,.;:?!@]","", gsub( " ", "_", gsub( "[' ']$", "", gsub( "[^a-z0-9' '_]", "", tolower(x) ) ) ) ) } #' Sanitize list of data frames #' #' Removing empty rows #' #' @param l A list of data frames. #' @param generic.names A vector of generic names to be excluded. #' @param drop.complete logical to remove generic REDCap variables indicating #' instrument completion. Default is TRUE. #' @param drop.empty logical to remove variables with only NAs Default is TRUE. #' #' @return A list of data frames with generic names excluded. #' #' @export #' #' sanitize_split <- function(l, generic.names = c( "redcap_event_name", "redcap_repeat_instrument", "redcap_repeat_instance" ), drop.complete=TRUE, drop.empty=TRUE) { generic.names <- c( get_id_name(l), generic.names ) if (drop.complete){ generic.names <- c( generic.names, paste0(names(l), "_complete") ) } out <- lapply(l, function(i) { if (ncol(i) > 2) { s <- i[!colnames(i) %in% generic.names] if (drop.empty){ i[!apply(is.na(s), MARGIN = 1, FUN = all), ] } } else { i } }) # On removing empty variables, a list may end up empty out[sapply(out,nrow)>0] } #' Get the id name #' #' @param data data frame or list #' #' @return character vector get_id_name <- function(data) { if ("list" %in% class(data)) { do.call(c, lapply(data, names))[[1]] } else { names(data)[[1]] } } #' Match fields to forms #' #' @param metadata A data frame containing field names and form names #' @param vars_in_data A character vector of variable names #' #' @return A data frame containing field names and form names #' #' @export #' #' match_fields_to_form <- function(metadata, vars_in_data) { metadata <- data.frame(metadata) field_form_name <- grepl(".*([Ff]ield|[Ff]orm)[._][Nn]ame$", names(metadata)) field_type <- grepl(".*[Ff]ield[._][Tt]ype$", names(metadata)) fields <- metadata[ !metadata[, field_type] %in% c("descriptive", "checkbox"), field_form_name ] names(fields) <- c("field_name", "form_name") # Process instrument status fields form_names <- unique(metadata[, grepl( ".*[Ff]orm[._][Nn]ame$", names(metadata) )]) form_complete_fields <- data.frame( field_name = paste0(form_names, "_complete"), form_name = form_names, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) fields <- rbind(fields, form_complete_fields) # Process survey timestamps timestamps <- intersect(vars_in_data, paste0(form_names, "_timestamp")) if (length(timestamps)) { timestamp_fields <- data.frame( field_name = timestamps, form_name = sub("_timestamp$", "", timestamps), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) fields <- rbind(fields, timestamp_fields) } # Process checkbox fields if (any(metadata[, field_type] == "checkbox")) { checkbox_basenames <- metadata[ metadata[, field_type] == "checkbox", field_form_name ] checkbox_fields <- do.call( "rbind", apply(checkbox_basenames, 1, function(x, y) { data.frame( field_name = y[grepl(paste0("^", x[1], "___((?!\\.factor).)+$"), y, perl = TRUE )], form_name = x[2], stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL ) }, y = vars_in_data ) ) fields <- rbind(fields, checkbox_fields) } # Process ".*\\.factor" fields supplied by REDCap's export data R script if (any(grepl("\\.factor$", vars_in_data))) { factor_fields <- do.call( "rbind", apply(fields, 1, function(x, y) { field_indices <- grepl(paste0("^", x[1], "\\.factor$"), y) if (any(field_indices)) { data.frame( field_name = y[field_indices], form_name = x[2], stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL ) } }, y = vars_in_data ) ) fields <- rbind(fields, factor_fields) } fields } #' Split a data frame into separate tables for each form #' #' @param table A data frame #' @param universal_fields A character vector of fields that should be included #' in every table #' @param fields A two-column matrix containing the names of fields that should #' be included in each form #' #' @return A list of data frames, one for each non-repeating form #' #' @export #' #' @examples #' # Create a table #' table <- data.frame( #' id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), #' form_a_name = c("John", "Alice", "Bob", "Eve", "Mallory"), #' form_a_age = c(25, 30, 25, 15, 20), #' form_b_name = c("John", "Alice", "Bob", "Eve", "Mallory"), #' form_b_gender = c("M", "F", "M", "F", "F") #' ) #' #' # Create the universal fields #' universal_fields <- c("id") #' #' # Create the fields #' fields <- matrix( #' c( #' "form_a_name", "form_a", #' "form_a_age", "form_a", #' "form_b_name", "form_b", #' "form_b_gender", "form_b" #' ), #' ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE #' ) #' #' # Split the table #' split_non_repeating_forms(table, universal_fields, fields) split_non_repeating_forms <- function(table, universal_fields, fields) { forms <- unique(fields[[2]]) x <- lapply( forms, function(x) { table[names(table) %in% union( universal_fields, fields[fields[, 2] == x, 1] )] } ) structure(x, names = forms) } #' Extended string splitting #' #' Can be used as a substitute of the base function. Main claim to fame is #' easing the split around the defined delimiter, see example. #' @param x data #' @param split delimiter #' @param type Split type. Can be c("classic", "before", "after", "around") #' @param perl perl param from strsplit() #' @param ... additional parameters are passed to base strsplit handling splits #' #' @return list #' @export #' #' @examples #' test <- c("12 months follow-up", "3 steps", "mRS 6 weeks", #' "Counting to 231 now") #' strsplitx(test, "[0-9]", type = "around") strsplitx <- function(x, split, type = "classic", perl = FALSE, ...) { if (type == "classic") { # use base::strsplit out <- base::strsplit(x = x, split = split, perl = perl, ...) } else if (type == "before") { # split before the delimiter and keep it out <- base::strsplit( x = x, split = paste0("(?<=.)(?=", split, ")"), perl = TRUE, ... ) } else if (type == "after") { # split after the delimiter and keep it out <- base::strsplit( x = x, split = paste0("(?<=", split, ")"), perl = TRUE, ... ) } else if (type == "around") { # split around the defined delimiter out <- base::strsplit(gsub( "~~", "~", # Removes double ~ gsub( "^~", "", # Removes leading ~ gsub( # Splits and inserts ~ at all delimiters paste0("(", split, ")"), "~\\1~", x ) ) ), "~") } else { # wrong type input stop("type must be 'classic', 'after', 'before' or 'around'!") } out } #' Convert single digits to words #' #' @param x data. Handle vectors, data.frames and lists #' @param lang language. Danish (da) and English (en), Default is "en" #' @param neutrum for numbers depending on counted word #' @param everything flag to also split numbers >9 to single digits #' #' @return returns characters in same format as input #' @export #' #' @examples #' d2w(c(2:8, 21)) #' d2w(data.frame(2:7, 3:8, 1), lang = "da", neutrum = TRUE) #' #' ## If everything=T, also larger numbers are reduced. #' ## Elements in the list are same length as input #' d2w(list(2:8, c(2, 6, 4, 23), 2), everything = TRUE) #' d2w <- function(x, lang = "en", neutrum = FALSE, everything = FALSE) { # In Danish the written 1 depends on the counted word if (neutrum) nt <- "t" else nt <- "n" # A sapply() call with nested lapply() to handle vectors, data.frames # and lists convert <- function(x, lang, neutrum) { zero_nine <- data.frame( num = 0:9, en = c( "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" ), da = c( "nul", paste0("e", nt), "to", "tre", "fire", "fem", "seks", "syv", "otte", "ni" ) ) wrd <- lapply(x, function(i) { zero_nine[, tolower(lang)][zero_nine[, 1] == i] }) sub <- lengths(wrd) == 1 x[sub] <- wrd[sub] unlist(x) } # Also converts numbers >9 to single digits and writes out # Uses strsplitx() if (everything) { out <- sapply(x, function(y) { do.call(c, lapply(y, function(z) { v <- strsplitx(z, "[0-9]", type = "around") Reduce(paste, sapply(v, convert, lang = lang, neutrum = neutrum)) })) }) } else { out <- sapply(x, convert, lang = lang, neutrum = neutrum) } if (is.data.frame(x)) out <- data.frame(out) out } #' Test if repeatable or longitudinal #' #' @param data data set #' @param generics default is "redcap_event_name", "redcap_repeat_instrument" #' and "redcap_repeat_instance" #' #' @return logical #' @export #' @examples #' is_repeated_longitudinal(c("record_id", "age", "record_id", "gender")) #' is_repeated_longitudinal(redcapcast_data) #' is_repeated_longitudinal(list(redcapcast_data)) is_repeated_longitudinal <- function(data, generics = c( "redcap_event_name", "redcap_repeat_instrument", "redcap_repeat_instance" )) { if ("list" %in% class(data)) { names <- data |> lapply(names) |> purrr::list_c() } else if ("data.frame" %in% class(data)) { names <- names(data) } else if ("character" %in% class(data)) { names <- data } any(generics %in% names) } dummy_fun <- function(...){ list( gtsummary::add_difference() ) } #' Cut string to desired length #' #' @param data data #' @param l length #' #' @returns character string of length l #' @export #' #' @examples #' "length" |> cut_string_length(l=3) cut_string_length <- function(data,l=100){ if (nchar(data)>=l){ substr(data,1,l) } else { data } }