% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/read_redcap_instrument.R \name{read_redcap_instrument} \alias{read_redcap_instrument} \title{Convenience function to download complete instrument, using token storage in keyring.} \usage{ read_redcap_instrument( key, uri, instrument, raw_or_label = "raw", id_name = "record_id", records = NULL ) } \arguments{ \item{key}{key name in standard keyring for token retrieval.} \item{uri}{REDCap database API uri} \item{instrument}{instrument name} \item{raw_or_label}{raw or label passed to `REDCapR::redcap_read()`} \item{id_name}{id variable name. Default is "record_id".} \item{records}{specify the records to download. Index numbers. Numeric vector.} } \value{ data.frame } \description{ Convenience function to download complete instrument, using token storage in keyring. }