% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/redcap_wider.R \name{redcap_wider} \alias{redcap_wider} \title{Redcap Wider} \usage{ redcap_wider(list, names.glud = "{.value}_{redcap_event_name}_long") } \arguments{ \item{list}{A list of data frames.} \item{names.glud}{A string to glue the column names together.} } \value{ The list of data frames in wide format. } \description{ Converts a list of REDCap data frames from long to wide format. } \examples{ list <- list(data.frame(record_id = c(1,2,1,2), redcap_event_name = c("baseline", "baseline", "followup", "followup"), age = c(25,26,27,28)), data.frame(record_id = c(1,2), redcap_event_name = c("baseline", "baseline"), gender = c("male", "female"))) redcap_wider(list) }