% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/easy_redcap.R \name{read_redcap_labelled} \alias{read_redcap_labelled} \title{REDCap read function to preserve field labels and all factor levels} \usage{ read_redcap_labelled( uri, token, records = NULL, fields = NULL, events = NULL, forms = NULL, split_forms = "all" ) } \arguments{ \item{uri}{REDCap database API uri} \item{token}{API token} \item{records}{records to download} \item{fields}{fields to download} \item{events}{events to download} \item{forms}{forms to download} \item{split_forms}{Whether to split "repeating" or "all" forms, default is "all".} } \value{ data.frame or list } \description{ This works very much as `read_redcap_tables()` and might end up there }