% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/create_instrument_meta.R \name{create_instrument_meta} \alias{create_instrument_meta} \title{Create zips file with necessary content based on data set} \usage{ create_instrument_meta(data, dir = here::here(""), record.id = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{metadata for the relevant instrument. Could be from `ds2dd_detailed()`} \item{dir}{destination dir for the instrument zip. Default is the current WD.} \item{record.id}{flag to omit the first row of the data dictionary assuming this is the record_id field which should not be included in the instrument. Default is TRUE.} } \value{ list } \description{ Metadata can be added by editing the data dictionary of a project in the initial design phase. If you want to later add new instruments, this can be used to add instrument(s) to a project in production. } \examples{ data <- iris |> ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = TRUE, form.name=sample(c("b","c"),size = 6,replace = TRUE,prob=rep(.5,2))) |> purrr::pluck("meta") # data |> create_instrument_meta() data <- iris |> ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = FALSE) |> purrr::pluck("data") names(data) <- glue::glue("{sample(x = c('a','b'),size = length(names(data)), replace=TRUE,prob = rep(x=.5,2))}__{names(data)}") data <- data |> ds2dd_detailed(form.sep="__") # data |> # purrr::pluck("meta") |> # create_instrument_meta(record.id = FALSE) }