mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 18:12:36 +01:00
Compare commits
No commits in common. "ff22ba05d89f95ecf193c43c19b7c94435b66783" and "7f74ea5144a345194c6062fec8cde0aca567a004" have entirely different histories.
@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ Collate:
@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
# REDCapCAST 24.10.4
Revised tests.
### Functions:
* Bug: 'form.name' specified to 'ds2dd_detailed()' was ignored. Corrected to only be ignored if 'form.sep' is specified. Added handling of re-occurring `form.sep` pattern.
* New: `export_redcap_instrument()` is a new version of `create_instrument_meta()`, that will only export a single instrument. Multiple instrument export can be done with `lapply()` or `purrr::map()`. This allows for inclusion of this functionality in the Shiny implementation and is easier to handle. `create_instrument_meta()` is deprecated.
### Shiny:
* New: Export a REDCap instrument ready to add to your database based on an uploaded spreadsheet. This is thanks to the `export_redcap_instrument()` function. THis functionality is intended for projects in production and adding instruments should be handled manually and not by API upload.
The shiny implementation is included with this package. Implementing in shinylive may be looked into again later.
# REDCapCAST 24.10.3
Updated links and spelling.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#' Create zips file with necessary content based on data set
#' @description
#' Metadata can be added by editing the data dictionary of a project in the
#' initial design phase. If you want to later add new instruments, this can be
#' used to add instrument(s) to a project in production.
#' @param data metadata for the relevant instrument.
#' Could be from `ds2dd_detailed()`
#' @param dir destination dir for the instrument zip. Default is the current WD.
#' @param record.id flag to omit the first row of the data dictionary assuming
#' this is the record_id field which should not be included in the instrument.
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- iris |>
#' ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = TRUE,
#' form.name=sample(c("b","c"),size = 6,replace = TRUE,prob=rep(.5,2))) |>
#' purrr::pluck("meta")
#' # data |> create_instrument_meta()
#' data <- iris |>
#' ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = FALSE) |>
#' purrr::pluck("data")
#' names(data) <- glue::glue("{sample(x = c('a','b'),size = length(names(data)),
#' replace=TRUE,prob = rep(x=.5,2))}__{names(data)}")
#' data <- data |> ds2dd_detailed(form.sep="__")
#' # data |>
#' # purrr::pluck("meta") |>
#' # create_instrument_meta(record.id = FALSE)
create_instrument_meta <- function(data,
dir = here::here(""),
record.id = TRUE) {
if (record.id) {
data <- data[-1,]
temp_dir <- tempdir()
split(data,data$form_name) |> purrr::imap(function(.x,.i){
utils::write.csv(.x, paste0(temp_dir, "/instrument.csv"), row.names = FALSE, na = "")
writeLines("REDCapCAST", paste0(temp_dir, "/origin.txt"))
zip::zip(paste0(dir, "/", .i, Sys.Date(), ".zip"),
files = c("origin.txt", "instrument.csv"),
root = temp_dir
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ hms2character <- function(data) {
#' ncol(data). Default is NULL and "data" is used.
#' @param form.sep If supplied dataset has form names as suffix or prefix to the
#' column/variable names, the seperator can be specified. If supplied, the
#' form.name is ignored. Default is NULL.
#' form.sep is ignored. Default is NULL.
#' @param form.prefix Flag to set if form is prefix (TRUE) or suffix (FALSE) to
#' the column names. Assumes all columns have pre- or suffix if specified.
#' @param field.type manually specify field type(s). Vector of length 1 or
@ -149,12 +149,6 @@ hms2character <- function(data) {
#' data |> ds2dd_detailed(validate.time = TRUE)
#' data |> ds2dd_detailed()
#' iris |> ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = TRUE)
#' iris |>
#' ds2dd_detailed(
#' add.auto.id = TRUE,
#' form.name = sample(c("b", "c"), size = 6, replace = TRUE, prob = rep(.5, 2))
#' ) |>
#' purrr::pluck("meta")
#' mtcars |> ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = TRUE)
#' data <- iris |>
#' ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = TRUE) |>
@ -236,26 +230,20 @@ ds2dd_detailed <- function(data,
if (!is.null(form.sep)) {
if (form.sep!=""){
parts <- strsplit(names(data), split = form.sep)
## form.sep should be unique, but handles re-occuring pattern (by only considering first or last) and form.prefix defines if form is prefix or suffix
suppressMessages(nms <- strsplit(names(data), split = form.sep) |>
## Assumes form.sep only occurs once and form.prefix defines if form is prefix or suffix
dd$form_name <- clean_redcap_name(dplyr::slice(nms,ifelse(form.prefix, 1, 2)))
## The other split part is used as field names
if (form.prefix){
dd$form_name <- clean_redcap_name(Reduce(c,lapply(parts,\(.x) .x[[1]])))
dd$field_name <- Reduce(c,lapply(parts,\(.x) paste(.x[seq_len(length(.x))[-1]],collapse=form.sep)))
} else {
dd$form_name <- clean_redcap_name(Reduce(c,lapply(parts,\(.x) .x[[length(.x)]])))
dd$field_name <- Reduce(c,lapply(parts,\(.x) paste(.x[seq_len(length(.x)-1)],collapse=form.sep)))
dd$field_name <- dplyr::slice(nms,ifelse(!form.prefix, 1, 2)) |> as.character()
} else {
dd$form_name <- "data"
dd$field_name <- gsub(" ", "_", tolower(colnames(data)))
} else {
} else if (is.null(form.sep)) {
## if no form name prefix, the colnames are used as field_names
dd$field_name <- gsub(" ", "_", tolower(colnames(data)))
if (is.null(form.name)) {
} else if (is.null(form.name)) {
dd$form_name <- "data"
} else {
if (length(form.name) == 1 || length(form.name) == nrow(dd)) {
@ -264,7 +252,6 @@ ds2dd_detailed <- function(data,
stop("Length of supplied 'form.name' has to be one (1) or ncol(data).")
## field_label
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
#' Creates zip-file with necessary content to manually add instrument to database
#' @description
#' Metadata can be added by editing the data dictionary of a project in the
#' initial design phase. If you want to later add new instruments, this
#' function can be used to create (an) instrument(s) to add to a project in
#' production.
#' @param data metadata for the relevant instrument.
#' Could be from `ds2dd_detailed()`
#' @param file destination file name.
#' @param force force instrument creation and ignore different form names by
#' just using the first.
#' @param record.id record id variable name. Default is 'record_id'.
#' @return exports zip-file
#' @examples
#' #iris |>
#' # ds2dd_detailed(
#' # add.auto.id = TRUE,
#' # form.name = sample(c("b", "c"), size = 6, replace = TRUE, prob = rep(.5, 2))
#' # ) |>
#' # purrr::pluck("meta") |>
#' # (\(.x){
#' # split(.x, .x$form_name)
#' # })() |>
#' # purrr::imap(function(.x, .i){
#' # export_redcap_instrument(.x,file=here::here(paste0(.i,Sys.Date(),".zip")))
#' # })
#' #iris |>
#' # ds2dd_detailed(
#' # add.auto.id = TRUE
#' # ) |>
#' # purrr::pluck("meta") |>
#' # export_redcap_instrument(file=here::here(paste0("instrument",Sys.Date(),".zip")))
export_redcap_instrument <- function(data,
record.id = "record_id") {
# Ensure form name is the same
if (force){
data$form_name <- data$form_name[1]
} else if (length(unique(data$form_name))!=1){
stop("Please provide metadata for a single form only. See examples for
ideas on exporting multiple instruments.")
if (record.id %in% data[["field_name"]]){
data <- data[-match(record.id,data[["field_name"]]),]
temp_dir <- tempdir()
utils::write.csv(data, paste0(temp_dir, "/instrument.csv"), row.names = FALSE, na = "")
writeLines("REDCapCAST", paste0(temp_dir, "/origin.txt"))
zipfile = file,
files = c("origin.txt", "instrument.csv"),
root = temp_dir
#' DEPRICATED Create zips file with necessary content based on data set
#' @description
#' Metadata can be added by editing the data dictionary of a project in the
#' initial design phase. If you want to later add new instruments, this
#' function can be used to create (an) instrument(s) to add to a project in
#' production.
#' @param data metadata for the relevant instrument.
#' Could be from `ds2dd_detailed()`
#' @param dir destination dir for the instrument zip. Default is the current WD.
#' @param record.id flag to omit the first row of the data dictionary assuming
#' this is the record_id field which should not be included in the instrument.
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- iris |>
#' ds2dd_detailed(
#' add.auto.id = TRUE,
#' form.name = sample(c("b", "c"),
#' size = 6,
#' replace = TRUE, prob = rep(.5, 2)
#' )
#' ) |>
#' purrr::pluck("meta")
#' # data |> create_instrument_meta()
#' data <- iris |>
#' ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = FALSE) |>
#' purrr::pluck("data")
#' iris |>
#' setNames(glue::glue("{sample(x = c('a','b'),size = length(ncol(iris)),
#' replace=TRUE,prob = rep(x=.5,2))}__{names(iris)}")) |>
#' ds2dd_detailed(form.sep = "__")
#' # data |>
#' # purrr::pluck("meta") |>
#' # create_instrument_meta(record.id = FALSE)
create_instrument_meta <- function(data,
dir = here::here(""),
record.id = TRUE) {
# browser()
if (record.id) {
data <- data[-1, ]
temp_dir <- tempdir()
split(data, data$form_name) |> purrr::imap(function(.x, .i) {
utils::write.csv(.x, paste0(temp_dir, "/instrument.csv"),
row.names = FALSE, na = ""
writeLines("REDCapCAST", paste0(temp_dir, "/origin.txt"))
zip::zip(paste0(dir, "/", .i, Sys.Date(), ".zip"),
files = c("origin.txt", "instrument.csv"),
root = temp_dir
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
name: redcapcast
username: agdamsbo
account: agdamsbo
server: shinyapps.io
hostUrl: https://api.shinyapps.io/v1
appId: 11351429
bundleId: 9264087
url: https://agdamsbo.shinyapps.io/redcapcast/
version: 1
@ -41,14 +41,6 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Downloadable .zip of instrument ----
output$downloadInstrument <- shiny::downloadHandler(
filename = paste0("REDCapCAST_instrument",Sys.Date(),".zip"),
content = function(file) {
create_instrument_meta_single(purrr::pluck(dd(), "meta"), file)
output_staging <- shiny::reactiveValues()
output_staging$meta <- output_staging$data <- NA
@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ ui <- shiny::shinyUI(
windowTitle = "REDCap database creator"
"THese are the functionalities to create and migrate data from a spreadsheet to a REDCap database:",
"This tool includes to convenient functions:",
"1) create a REDCap data dictionary or instrument based on a spreadsheet (.csv/.xls(x)/.dta/.ods) and",
"1) creating a REDCap data dictionary based on a spreadsheet (.csv/.xls(x)/.dta/.ods) and",
"2) upload said database file on a given REDCap server and upload the dataset via API access or download for all manual upload."
"2) creating said database on a given REDCap server and uploading the dataset via API access."
@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ ui <- shiny::shinyUI(
# Button
shiny::downloadButton("downloadMeta", "Download datadictionary"),
# Button
shiny::downloadButton("downloadInstrument", "Download as instrument"),
# Horizontal line ----
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/export_redcap_instrument.R
% Please edit documentation in R/create_instrument_meta.R
\title{DEPRICATED Create zips file with necessary content based on data set}
\title{Create zips file with necessary content based on data set}
create_instrument_meta(data, dir = here::here(""), record.id = TRUE)
@ -21,29 +21,22 @@ list
Metadata can be added by editing the data dictionary of a project in the
initial design phase. If you want to later add new instruments, this
function can be used to create (an) instrument(s) to add to a project in
initial design phase. If you want to later add new instruments, this can be
used to add instrument(s) to a project in production.
data <- iris |>
add.auto.id = TRUE,
form.name = sample(c("b", "c"),
size = 6,
replace = TRUE, prob = rep(.5, 2)
) |>
ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = TRUE,
form.name=sample(c("b","c"),size = 6,replace = TRUE,prob=rep(.5,2))) |>
# data |> create_instrument_meta()
data <- iris |>
ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = FALSE) |>
iris |>
setNames(glue::glue("{sample(x = c('a','b'),size = length(ncol(iris)),
replace=TRUE,prob = rep(x=.5,2))}__{names(iris)}")) |>
ds2dd_detailed(form.sep = "__")
names(data) <- glue::glue("{sample(x = c('a','b'),size = length(names(data)),
replace=TRUE,prob = rep(x=.5,2))}__{names(data)}")
data <- data |> ds2dd_detailed(form.sep="__")
# data |>
# purrr::pluck("meta") |>
# create_instrument_meta(record.id = FALSE)
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ ncol(data). Default is NULL and "data" is used.}
\item{form.sep}{If supplied dataset has form names as suffix or prefix to the
column/variable names, the seperator can be specified. If supplied, the
form.name is ignored. Default is NULL.}
form.sep is ignored. Default is NULL.}
\item{form.prefix}{Flag to set if form is prefix (TRUE) or suffix (FALSE) to
the column names. Assumes all columns have pre- or suffix if specified.}
@ -87,12 +87,6 @@ data <- REDCapCAST::redcapcast_data
data |> ds2dd_detailed(validate.time = TRUE)
data |> ds2dd_detailed()
iris |> ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = TRUE)
iris |>
add.auto.id = TRUE,
form.name = sample(c("b", "c"), size = 6, replace = TRUE, prob = rep(.5, 2))
) |>
mtcars |> ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = TRUE)
data <- iris |>
ds2dd_detailed(add.auto.id = TRUE) |>
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/export_redcap_instrument.R
\title{Creates zip-file with necessary content to manually add instrument to database}
export_redcap_instrument(data, file, force = FALSE, record.id = "record_id")
\item{data}{metadata for the relevant instrument.
Could be from `ds2dd_detailed()`}
\item{file}{destination file name.}
\item{force}{force instrument creation and ignore different form names by
just using the first.}
\item{record.id}{record id variable name. Default is 'record_id'.}
exports zip-file
Metadata can be added by editing the data dictionary of a project in the
initial design phase. If you want to later add new instruments, this
function can be used to create (an) instrument(s) to add to a project in
#iris |>
# ds2dd_detailed(
# add.auto.id = TRUE,
# form.name = sample(c("b", "c"), size = 6, replace = TRUE, prob = rep(.5, 2))
# ) |>
# purrr::pluck("meta") |>
# (\(.x){
# split(.x, .x$form_name)
# })() |>
# purrr::imap(function(.x, .i){
# export_redcap_instrument(.x,file=here::here(paste0(.i,Sys.Date(),".zip")))
# })
#iris |>
# ds2dd_detailed(
# add.auto.id = TRUE
# ) |>
# purrr::pluck("meta") |>
# export_redcap_instrument(file=here::here(paste0("instrument",Sys.Date(),".zip")))
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
mtcars$id <- seq_len(nrow(mtcars))
test_that("ds2dd gives desired output", {
expect_equal(ncol(ds2dd(mtcars, record.id = "id")), 18)
expect_s3_class(ds2dd(mtcars, record.id = "id"), "data.frame")
expect_s3_class(ds2dd(mtcars, record.id = 12), "data.frame")
test_that("ds2dd gives output with list of length two", {
record.id = "id",
include.column.names = TRUE
)), 2)
test_that("ds2dd gives correct errors", {
expect_error(ds2dd(mtcars, form.name = c("basis", "incl")))
expect_error(ds2dd(mtcars, field.type = c("text", "dropdown")))
expect_error(ds2dd(mtcars, field.label = c("Name", "Age")))
test_that("ds2dd correctly renames", {
expect_equal(ncol(ds2dd(mtcars, record.id = "id")), 18)
expect_s3_class(ds2dd(mtcars, record.id = "id"), "data.frame")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user