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synced 2025-02-20 18:56:53 +01:00
updated docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,15 +3,14 @@ Title: REDCap Castellated Data Handling and Metadata Casting
Version: 24.11.2
Authors@R: c(
person("Andreas Gammelgaard", "Damsbo", email = "agdamsbo@clin.au.dk",
role = c("aut", "cre"),comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-7559-1154")),
person("Paul", "Egeler", email = "paulegeler@gmail.com", role = c("aut"),
comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-6948-9498")))
Description: Originally forked from the R part of 'REDCapRITS' by Paul Egeler.
role = c("aut", "cre"),comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-7559-1154")))
Description: Casting metadata for REDCap database creation and handling of
castellated data using repeated instruments and longitudinal projects in
'REDCap'. Keeps a focused data export approach, by allowing to only export
required data from the database. Also for casting new REDCap databases based
on datasets from other sources.
Originally forked from the R part of 'REDCapRITS' by Paul Egeler.
See <https://github.com/pegeler/REDCapRITS>.
'REDCap' database casting and handling of castellated data when using
repeated instruments and longitudinal projects. Keeps a focused data export
approach, by allowing to only export required data from the database.
Also for casting new REDCap databases based on datasets from other sources.
'REDCap' (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based software
platform designed to support data capture for research studies, providing
1) an intuitive interface for validated data capture; 2) audit trails for
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
24.11.1 was rejected on CRAN based on wrong title capitalisation. This was an opportunity to extend the package overhaul.
Documentation has been updated. Data parser functions have been added (based on readr) and separated from the ds2dd_detailed().
Documentation has been updated. Data parser functions have been added (based on readr) and separated from the ds2dd_detailed(). Now also includes conversion of logicals to factor as REDCap truefalse class follows different naming conversion compared to R. Also correct support for variable labels as field labels (use .rds formatted data and label with labelled::var_label())
Vignettes and documentation have been restructured.
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ ds2dd_detailed <- function(data,
#' labels = c(Unknown = 9, Refused = 10),
#' class = "haven_labelled"
#' )
#' labelled::is.labelled(ds)
#' haven::is.labelled(ds)
#' attributes(ds)
#' ds |> haven_all_levels()
haven_all_levels <- function(data) {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
\if{html}{\figure{logo.png}{options: style='float: right' alt='logo' width='120'}}
Originally forked from the R part of 'REDCapRITS' by Paul Egeler. See \url{https://github.com/pegeler/REDCapRITS}. 'REDCap' database casting and handling of castellated data when using repeated instruments and longitudinal projects. Keeps a focused data export approach, by allowing to only export required data from the database. Also for casting new REDCap databases based on datasets from other sources. 'REDCap' (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based software platform designed to support data capture for research studies, providing 1) an intuitive interface for validated data capture; 2) audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures; 3) automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common statistical packages; and 4) procedures for data integration and interoperability with external sources (Harris et al (2009) \doi{10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010}; Harris et al (2019) \doi{10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103208}).
Casting metadata for REDCap database creation and handling of castellated data using repeated instruments and longitudinal projects in 'REDCap'. Keeps a focused data export approach, by allowing to only export required data from the database. Also for casting new REDCap databases based on datasets from other sources. Originally forked from the R part of 'REDCapRITS' by Paul Egeler. See \url{https://github.com/pegeler/REDCapRITS}. 'REDCap' (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based software platform designed to support data capture for research studies, providing 1) an intuitive interface for validated data capture; 2) audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures; 3) automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common statistical packages; and 4) procedures for data integration and interoperability with external sources (Harris et al (2009) \doi{10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010}; Harris et al (2019) \doi{10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103208}).
Useful links:
@ -22,10 +22,5 @@ Useful links:
\strong{Maintainer}: Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo \email{agdamsbo@clin.au.dk} (\href{https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7559-1154}{ORCID})
\item Paul Egeler \email{paulegeler@gmail.com} (\href{https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6948-9498}{ORCID})
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ ds <- structure(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 10, 9),
labels = c(Unknown = 9, Refused = 10),
class = "haven_labelled"
ds |> haven_all_levels()
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